Chinese Shar-Pei
Updated January 7, 2025
Chinese Shar-Pei
Updated January 7, 2025
The Chinese Shar Pei's unique wrinkled appearance stands out in the crowd, and their reserved and loyal nature makes them ideal for pet parents seeking a devoted and distinctive companion.
Watchful, Reserved, Loyal
Male: 45-60 pounds
Female: 45-60 pounds
Male: 18-20 inches
Female: 18-20 inches
8 to 12 years
Apricot Dilute, Black, Blue Dilute, Lilac Dilute, Cream, Cream Dilute, Brown, Chocolate Dilute, Red, Five Point Red Dilute, Red Fawn, Fawn, Isabella Dilute, Black Sable, Cream Sable, Fawn Sable, Red Sable, Blue
You are not a wallflower. You don’t even own a black T-shirt, and the thought of being lost in a crowd gives you the heebie jeebies. The Chinese Shar-Pei is a dog for people like you. This pup isn’t going to be mistaken for a Lab or terrier. Oh, no—they’re quite unique-looking with all those wrinkles, so everyone is going to ask about your dog. Which is fine with you—you enjoy meeting new people. The more reserved Shar-Pei, however, tends to take longer to warm up to strangers. An ancient breed originally trained as guard dogs, this one-of-a-kind canine may not have your ability to make fast friends, but they’ll be your most loyal companion.
Chinese Shar-Pei Characteristics
Chinese Shar-Pei Appearance
Shar-Peis are a unique dog breed with expressive, sunken eyes and adorably wrinkly skin. This dog may only be average-sized in height and weight, but they carry their compact body with confidence and bravery. The Shar-Pei has sandpapery skin that’s rough to the touch and comes in a variety of solid colors. Like the Chow Chow, Shar-Peis have a blue-black tongue. (They’re distinctive inside and out!) You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more visually striking dog—from their hippopotamus-like muzzle to the curled tail they like to hold high.

- Ears
The Shar-Pei's ears are unusually small and shaped like rounded triangles. They lie flat against the head but are always on alert for unusual sounds.
- Eyes
Their eyes are dark and sink deeply into their wrinkled dog faces. Depending on their coat color, some dogs may have lighter-colored eyes.
- Nose
The Shar-Pei's snout is often referred to as being hippopotamus-shaped. Their nose is large and typically dark-colored. However, some may have a nose the same color as their fur, and a dark cream Shar-Pei's nose might be a lighter shade.
- Coat Length
The Shar-Pei's wrinkled coat feels harsh to the touch and is not typically longer than one inch. A coat that is wavy, soft or longer than an inch is not desirable by AKC standards.
- Coat Color
Shar-Pei coats come in 18 colors, along with seven types of markings. They can be a solid color in blue (which looks gray), black, brown, cream, fawn or red and often have darker shading on areas like their backs or ears. They can also have a dilute coat (which means they don't have any black pigmentation on their nose, nails or fur), such as lilac, or a sable coat (a lacing of black over a lighter base color) in a variety of shades. They may come in other colors like white, but it is not standard.
- Tail
The Shar-Pei has a small, proud tail that is thicker at the base and tapers at the end. Their tail is set high, and they carry it proudly, curling over either side of their back.
Chinese Shar-Pei Temperament
The Chinese Shar-Pei breed is loyal and committed to their family but can be wary around strangers, and they respond better to older children who understand how to play calmly with dogs. Because the Shar-Pei dog was bred for guarding livestock and hunting, they sometimes don’t enjoy sharing their home with cats or other dogs. It’s important to socialize your pup to numerous new people, situations and other animals early in life when they’re puppies to help them be used to guests as they grow up.
How to Care for a Chinese Shar-Pei
The Shar-Pei needs socialization early in life to be a well-adjusted, happy adult dog. They love their family deeply, but you’ll want to be cautious around strangers, young children or other animals. While they may be higher maintenance in their socialization needs, they’re very low maintenance when it comes to grooming. They’re also adaptable to a large or small home and have moderate exercise needs, enjoying short daily walks at a brisk speed and lots of time relaxing with you.
Chinese Shar-Pei Health
Shar-Peis have a life expectancy of 8 to 12 years. By watching out for the health issues that can affect the Shar-Pei breed, you can help your dog have a full lifespan and a happy life.
- Skin Issues: Because of the folds in their skin, Shar-Peis can develop skin infections more easily than non-wrinkly breeds. That’s why it’s so important to make sure their skin dries thoroughly after a bath or any time they’re in water. Pododermatitis refers to infections between the toes. Skin or foot infections may be treated with topical treatments, oral antibiotics or anti-fungals, depending on the cause. This breed can also develop interdigital cysts, which are painful nodules between the toes. Treatments range from topical ointments to surgery, depending on the severity.
- Shar-Pei Fever: Shar-Pei Fever is a genetic disease characterized by swollen hocks (back of legs) and fever which if left untreated can lead to liver and kidney failure. Genetic screening testing may be available so ask your breeder.
- Ear Infections: The Shar-Pei’s ears are very small, making them more prone to infections. In worst-case scenarios, they may require surgery. However, your veterinarian may recommend weekly prophylactic ear cleaning to help prevent infections from occurring.
- Hypothyroidism: As many as one in five Shar-Peis may have a thyroid deficiency. Symptoms include weight gain, hair loss and lethargy. Hypothyroidism can typically be managed through daily medication.
- Eye Issues: The Shar-Pei can develop eye problems, such as dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis), entropion, corneal ulcer, glaucoma, retinal dysplasia, and SARDS. If you suspect your pet is having trouble with their eyes (symptoms include redness, discharge, cloudiness, bulging, squinting or pain), make an appointment with your veterinarian right away.
Chinese Shar-Pei History
The Shar-Pei breed originated in China, and, as with many breeds from China, the dog’s history is mysterious. Some say the dog can be traced back to the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, pointing to figurines from around 200 B.C. that resemble the Shar-Pei. Some say the pups were the dogs of peasants and bred to be hunters or herd and guard livestock. Others say the dogs once guarded Chinese royal families. At one point, the dogs were even used in fighting pits until other dog breeds replaced them.
When the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949, it disapproved of families having dogs as pets and slaughtered many breeds, almost leading to the Shar-Pei’s extinction. Guinness World Records even listed them as the rarest dog breed in the world through the mid-1970s. A Shar-Pei breeder in Hong Kong, Matgo Law, was so worried about the rare dog’s future, he pled with the world to save the breed. His plea, along with an article published in “Life Magazine,” helped increase the dog’s popularity in the United States.
The Shar-Pei and the Chow Chow both have blue-black tongues, which might be due to having shared distant ancestors in China. Some Shar-Peis also have a softer, longer bear coat that isn’t considered a standard trait. Some believe this is a result of past breeding with Chow Chows. The American Kennel Club first recognized the Chinese Shar-Pei in 1992.
Are you looking to add a Shar-Pei puppy as a pet? You can find a list of reputable breeders on the American Kennel Club’s website. What’s the average Shar-Pei puppy price? Depending on the breeder, the cost can be anywhere from $1,000 to even more than $3,000. But for that price, you’re likely getting a puppy who’s been screened for health and temperament issues and may include pedigree papers. Shar-Pei rescue organizations and local shelters can also help you find Shar-Pei dogs to adopt. Search Chewy’s database of adoptable dogs in your area.
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Expert input provided by veterinarian Jessica Fusch, DVM, of Eastlake Veterinary Services, and certified dog trainer Melissa Thomas, MPC, VSA-CDT, owner of Training to a T, LLC.
Breed characteristic ratings provided by veterinarian Dr. Sarah J. Wooten, DVM, CVJ, a veterinarian at Sheep Draw Veterinary Hospital in Greeley, Colorado; dog trainer and behavior consultant Irith Bloom, CPDT-KSA, CBCC-KA, CDBC, owner of The Sophisticated Dog, LLC, in Los Angeles; and certified animal behavior consultant Amy Shojai, CABC, in Sherman, Texas.
The health content was medically reviewed by Chewy vets.