Character Breakdown: Dovahkiin
Dovahkiin Fitness
The Skills of Dovahkiin
Name: Dovahkiin
Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Malleable
In their tongue, he is Dovahkiin…DRAGONBORN!
I know I wasn’t the only one who got goosebumps the first time I saw the trailer for Elder Scrolls V. As a fan of the series since Morrowind, I was stoked when I heard about/purchased and played Oblivion, but it was nothing to match my enthusiasm for Skyrim. The game is gorgeous, the world is incredible, the music is beautiful, it’s amazing. Enough gushing.
This week will NOT be about turning you into a badass viking nord dude. Sorry, I promise, we WILL have badass viking nord dudes soon. This week is going to be more of a “how to change your life and yourself” blog. The Elder Scrolls series is amazing and unique in that you can basically create whoever you want, be whoever you want, and do whatever you want in the game(Dunmer assassin mage FTW).
The fitness section this week will be about starting a fitness and diet regimen from scratch. Various methods for beginning, how to handle overwhelming odds or bad fitness attempts in your history, etc. Also how to identify your body type, what workout programs might fit best for you, and how to decide where you’re at as far as fitness goes.
The skill section for this week will be more about personal growth. How to improve your life overall by educating yourself on new things, learning new abilities, and making that boring ol’ day job seem at least halfway bearable. There will be a focus on tracking yourself, setting and attaining goals(this is a common thread you’re going to run into here), noting progress, and motivating yourself to make forward change.
The philosophy section this week will take a good look at altering your own perceptions and outlooks, as well as deciding who you want to be, and how to work for that. Main focuses will include how to overcome yourself, forgive yourself, understand yourself, analyze yourself, and convince yourself whether or not it’s time for a change.
So that’s the fare for the week! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, or like the blog page on Facebook, or hit me up on G+, to get regular updates(and occasional cool stuff!). I will see you all tomorrow!
Until then, continue to be awesome!
Dan “DaRatmastah” Wallace
The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Dovahkiin, Oblivion, Morrowind, and all property therein are © Bethesda Softworks.

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