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In Cold Blood Paperback – Bargain Price, February 1, 1994
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On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues.
In one of the first non-fiction novels ever written, Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, generating both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence.
- Print length343 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherVintage
- Publication dateFebruary 1, 1994
- Dimensions5.13 x 0.75 x 7.96 inches
- ISBN-100679745580
- ISBN-13978-0679745587
- Lexile measure1040L
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Editorial Reviews
Amazon.com Review
"A remarkable, tensely exciting, superbly written 'true account.' " —The New York Times
"The best documentary account of an American crime ever written ... The book chills the blood and exercises the intelligence ... harrowing." —The New York Review of Books
From the Inside Flap
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Last to See Them Alive
THE village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call "out there." Some seventy miles east of the Colorado border, the countryside, with its hard blue skies and desert-clear air, has an atmosphere that is rather more Far West than Middle West. The local accent is barbed with a prairie twang, a ranch-hand nasalness, and the men, many of them, wear narrow frontier trousers, Stetsons, and high-heeled boots with pointed toes. The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them.
Holcomb, too, can be seen from great distances. Not that there is much to see--simply an aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by the main-line tracks of the Santa Fe Railroad, a haphazard hamlet bounded on the south by a brown stretch of the Arkansas (pronounced "Ar-kan-sas") River, on the north by a highway, Route 50, and on the east and west by prairie lands and wheat fields. After rain, or when snowfalls thaw, the streets, unnamed, unshaded, unpaved, turn from the thickest dust into the direst mud. At one end of the town stands a stark old stucco structure, the roof of which supports an electric sign--DANCE--but the dancing has ceased and the advertisement has been dark for several years. Nearby is another building with an irrelevant sign, this one in flaking gold on a dirty window--HOLCOMB BANK. The bank closed in 1933, and its former counting rooms have been converted into apartments. It is one of the town's two "apartment houses," the second being a ramshackle mansion known, because a good part of the local school's faculty lives there, as the Teacherage. But the majority of Holcomb's homes are one-story frame affairs, with front porches.
Down by the depot, the postmistress, a gaunt woman who wears a rawhide jacket and denims and cowboy boots, presides over a falling-apart post office. The depot itself, with its peeling sulphur-colored paint, is equally melancholy; the Chief, the Super-Chief, the El Capitan go by every day, but these celebrated expresses never pause there. No passenger trains do--only an occasional freight. Up on the highway, there are two filling stations, one of which doubles as a meagerly supplied grocery store, while the other does extra duty as a café--Hartman's Café, where Mrs. Hartman, the proprietress, dispenses sandwiches, coffee, soft drinks, and 3.2 beer. (Holcomb, like all the rest of Kansas, is "dry.")
And that, really, is all. Unless you include, as one must, the Holcomb School, a good-looking establishment, which reveals a circumstance that the appearance of the community otherwise camouflages: that the parents who send their children to this modern and ably staffed "consolidated" school--the grades go from kindergarten through senior high, and a fleet of buses transport the students, of which there are usually around three hundred and sixty, from as far as sixteen miles away--are, in general, a prosperous people. Farm ranchers, most of them, they are outdoor folk of very varied stock--German, Irish, Norwegian, Mexican, Japanese. They raise cattle and sheep, grow wheat, milo, grass seed, and sugar beets. Farming is always a chancy business, but in western Kansas its practitioners consider themselves "born gamblers," for they must contend with an extremely shallow precipitation (the annual average is eighteen inches) and anguishing irrigation problems. However, the last seven years have been years of droughtless beneficence. The farm ranchers in Finney County, of which Holcomb is a part, have done well; money has been made not from farming alone but also from the exploitation of plentiful natural-gas resources, and its acquisition is reflected in the new school, the comfortable interiors of the farmhouses, the steep and swollen grain elevators.
Until one morning in mid-November of 1959, few Americans--in fact, few Kansans--had ever heard of Holcomb. Like the waters of the river, like the motorists on the highway, and like the yellow trains streaking down the Santa Fe tracks, drama, in the shape of exceptional happenings, had never stopped there. The inhabitants of the village, numbering two hundred and seventy, were satisfied that this should be so, quite content to exist inside ordinary life--to work, to hunt, to watch television, to attend school socials, choir practice, meetings of the 4-H Club. But then, in the earliest hours of that morning in November, a Sunday morning, certain foreign sounds impinged on the normal nightly Holcomb noises--on the keening hysteria of coyotes, the dry scrape of scuttling tumbleweed, the racing, receding wail of locomotive whistles. At the time not a soul in sleeping Holcomb heard them--four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives. But afterward the townspeople, theretofore sufficiently unfearful of each other to seldom trouble to lock their doors, found fantasy re-creating them over and again--those somber explosions that stimulated fires of mistrust in the glare of which many old neighbors viewed each other strangely, and as strangers.
THE master of River Valley Farm, Herbert William Clutter, was forty-eight years old, and as a result of a recent medical examination for an insurance policy, knew himself to be in first-rate condition. Though he wore rimless glasses and was of but average height, standing just under five feet ten, Mr. Clutter cut a man's-man figure. His shoulders were broad, his hair had held its dark color, his square-jawed, confident face retained a healthy-hued youthfulness, and his teeth, unstained and strong enough to shatter walnuts, were still intact. He weighed a hundred and fifty-four--the same as he had the day he graduated from Kansas State University, where he had majored in agriculture. He was not as rich as the richest man in Holcomb--Mr. Taylor Jones, a neighboring rancher. He was, however, the community's most widely known citizen, prominent both there and in Garden City, the close-by county seat, where he had headed the building committee for the newly completed First Methodist Church, an eight-hundred-thousand-dollar edifice. He was currently chairman of the Kansas Conference of Farm Organizations, and his name was everywhere respectfully recognized among Midwestern agriculturists, as it was in certain Washington offices, where he had been a member of the Federal Farm Credit Board during the Eisenhower administration.
Always certain of what he wanted from the world, Mr. Clutter had in large measure obtained it. On his left hand, on what remained of a finger once mangled by a piece of farm machinery, he wore a plain gold band, which was the symbol, a quarter-century old, of his marriage to the person he had wished to marry--the sister of a college classmate, a timid, pious, delicate girl named Bonnie Fox, who was three years younger than he. She had given him four children--a trio of daughters, then a son. The eldest daughter, Eveanna, married and the mother of a boy ten months old, lived in northern Illinois but visited Holcomb frequently. Indeed, she and her family were expected within the fortnight, for her parents planned a sizable Thanksgiving reunion of the Clutter clan (which had its beginnings in Germany; the first immigrant Clutter--or Klotter, as the name was then spelled--arrived here in 1880); fifty-odd kinfolk had been asked, several of whom would be traveling from places as far away as Palatka, Florida. Nor did Beverly, the child next in age to Eveanna, any longer reside at River Valley Farm; she was in Kansas City, Kansas, studying to be a nurse. Beverly was engaged to a young biology student, of whom her father very much approved; invitations to the wedding, scheduled for Christmas Week, were already printed. Which left, still living at home, the boy, Kenyon, who at fifteen was taller than Mr. Clutter, and one sister, a year older--the town darling, Nancy.
In regard to his family, Mr. Clutter had just one serious cause for disquiet--his wife's health. She was "nervous," she suffered "little spells"--such were the sheltering expressions used by those close to her. Not that the truth concerning "poor Bonnie's afflictions" was in the least a secret; everyone knew she had been an on-and-off psychiatric patient the last half-dozen years. Yet even upon this shadowed terrain sunlight had very lately sparkled. The past Wednesday, returning from two weeks of treatment at the Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, her customary place of retirement, Mrs. Clutter had brought scarcely credible tidings to tell her husband; with joy she informed him that the source of her misery, so medical opinion had at last decreed, was not in her head but in her spine--it was physical, a matter of misplaced vertebrae. Of course, she must undergo an operation, and afterward--well, she would be her "old self" again. Was it possible--the tension, the withdrawals, the pillow-muted sobbing behind locked doors, all due to an out-of-order backbone? If so, then Mr. Clutter could, when addressing his Thanksgiving table, recite a blessing of unmarred gratitude.
Ordinarily, Mr. Clutter's mornings began at six-thirty; clanging milk pails and the whispery chatter of the boys who brought them, two sons of a hired man named Vic Irsik, usually roused him. But today he lingered, let Vic Irsik's sons come and leave, for the previous evening, a Friday the thirteenth, had been a tiring one, though in part exhilarating. Bonnie had resurrected her "old self"; as if serving up a preview of the normality, the regained vigor, soon to be, she had rouged her lips, fussed with her hair, and, wearing a new dress, accompanied him to the Holcomb School, where they applauded a student production of Tom Sawyer, in which Nancy played Becky Thatcher. He had enjoyed it, seeing Bonnie out in public, nervous but nonetheless smiling, talking to people, and they both had been proud of Nancy; she had done so well, remembering all her lines, and looking, as he had said to her in the course of backstage congratulations, "Just beautiful, honey--a real Southern belle." Whereupon Nancy had behaved like one; curtsying in her hoop-skirted costume, she had asked if she might drive into Garden City. The State Theatre was having a special, eleven-thirty, Friday-the-thirteenth "Spook Show," and all her friends were going. In other circumstances Mr. Clutter would have refused. His laws were laws, and one of them was: Nancy--and Kenyon, too--must be home by ten on week nights, by twelve on Saturdays. But weakened by the genial events of the evening, he had consented. And Nancy had not returned home until almost two. He had heard her come in, and had called to her, for though he was not a man ever really to raise his voice, he had some plain things to say to her, statements that concerned less the lateness of the hour than the youngster who had driven her home--a school basketball hero, Bobby Rupp.
Mr. Clutter liked Bobby, and considered him, for a boy his age, which was seventeen, most dependable and gentlemanly; however, in the three years she had been permitted "dates," Nancy, popular and pretty as she was, had never gone out with anyone else, and while Mr. Clutter understood that it was the present national adolescent custom to form couples, to "go steady" and wear "engagement rings," he disapproved, particularly since he had not long ago, by accident, surprised his daughter and the Rupp boy kissing. He had then suggested that Nancy discontinue "seeing so much of Bobby," advising her that a slow retreat now would hurt less than an abrupt severance later--for, as he reminded her, it was a parting that must eventually take place. The Rupp family were Roman Catholics, the Clutters, Methodist--a fact that should in itself be sufficient to terminate whatever fancies she and this boy might have of some day marrying. Nancy had been reasonable--at any rate, she had not argued--and now, before saying good night, Mr. Clutter secured from her a promise to begin a gradual breaking off with Bobby.
Still, the incident had lamentably put off his retiring time, which was ordinarily eleven o'clock. As a consequence, it was well after seven when he awakened on Saturday, November 14, 1959. His wife always slept as late as possible. However, while Mr. Clutter was shaving, showering, and outfitting himself in whipcord trousers, a cattleman's leather jacket, and soft stirrup boots, he had no fear of disturbing her; they did not share the same bedroom. For several years he had slept alone in the master bedroom, on the ground floor of the house--a two-story, fourteen-room frame-and-brick structure. Though Mrs. Clutter stored her clothes in the closets of this room, and kept her few cosmetics and her myriad medicines in the blue-tile-and-glass-brick bathroom adjoining it, she had taken for serious occupancy Eveanna's former bedroom, which, like Nancy's and Kenyon's rooms, was on the second floor.
The house--for the most part designed by Mr. Clutter, who thereby proved himself a sensible and sedate, if not notably decorative, architect--had been built in 1948 for forty thousand dollars. (The resale value was now sixty thousand dollars.) Situated at the end of a long, lanelike driveway shaded by rows of Chinese elms, the handsome white house, standing on an ample lawn of groomed Bermuda grass, impressed Holcomb; it was a place people pointed out. As for the interior, there were spongy displays of liver-colored carpet intermittently abolishing the glare of varnished, resounding floors; an immense modernistic living-room couch covered in nubby fabric interwoven with glittery strands of silver metal; a breakfast alcove featuring a banquette upholstered in blue-and-white plastic. This sort of furnishing was what Mr. and Mrs. Clutter liked, as did the majority of their acquaintances, whose homes, by and large, were similarly furnished.
Other than a housekeeper who came in on weekdays, the Clutters employed no household help, so since his wife's illness and the departure of the elder daughters, Mr. Clutter had of necessity learned to cook; either he or Nancy, but principally Nancy, prepared the family meals. Mr. Clutter enjoyed the chore, and was excellent at it--no woman in Kansas baked a better loaf of salt-rising bread, and his celebrated coconut cookies were the first item to go at charity cake sales--but he was not a hearty eater; unlike his fellow-ranchers, he even preferred Spartan breakfasts. That morning an apple and a glass of milk were enough for him; because he touched neither coffee or tea, he was accustomed to begin the day on a cold stomach. The truth was he opposed all stimulants, however gentle. He did not smoke, and of course he did not drink; indeed, he had never tasted spirits, and was inclined to avoid people who had--a circumstance that did not shrink his social circle as much as might be supposed, for the center of that circle was supplied by the members of Garden City's First Methodist Church, a congregation totaling seventeen hundred, most of whom were as abstemious as Mr. Clutter could desire. While he was careful to avoid making a nuisance of his views, to adopt outside his realm an externally uncensoring manner, he enforced them within his family and among the employees at River Valley Farm. "Are you a drinking man?" was the first question he asked a job applicant, and even though the fellow gave a negative answer, he still must sign a work contract containing a clause that declared the agreement instantly void if the employee should be discovered "harboring alcohol." A friend--an old pioneer rancher, Mr. Lynn Russell--had once told him, "You've got no mercy. I swear, Herb, if you caught a hired man drinking, out he'd go. And you wouldn't care if his family was starving." It was perhaps the only criticism ever made of Mr. Clutter as an employer. Otherwise, he was known for his equanimity, his charitableness, and the fact that he paid good wages and distributed frequent bonuses; the men who worked for him--and there were sometimes as many as eighteen--had small reason to complain.
Product details
- Publisher : Vintage; Edition Unstated (February 1, 1994)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 343 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0679745580
- ISBN-13 : 978-0679745587
- Lexile measure : 1040L
- Item Weight : 9.3 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.13 x 0.75 x 7.96 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #1,945 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #2 in Criminology (Books)
- #10 in U.S. State & Local History
- #14 in Murder & Mayhem True Accounts
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About the author

Truman Capote was born in New Orleans in 1925 and was raised in various parts of the south, his family spending winters in New Orleans and summers in Alabama and New Georgia. By the age of fourteen he had already started writing short stories, some of which were published. He left school when he was fifteen and subsequently worked for the New Yorker which provided his first - and last - regular job. Following his spell with the New Yorker, Capote spent two years on a Louisiana farm where he wrote Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948). He lived, at one time or another, in Greece, Italy, Africa and the West Indies, and travelled in Russia and the Orient. He is the author of many highly praised books, including A Tree of Night and Other Stories (1949), The Grass Harp (1951), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1958), In Cold Blood (1965), which immediately became the centre of a storm of controversy on its publication, Music for Chameleons (1980) and Answered Prayers (1986), all of which are published by Penguin. Truman Capote died in August 1984.
Photo by Jack Mitchell [CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.
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Customers find the book easy to read and well-written. They appreciate the riveting story and engaging writing style. The information is well-researched and presented in a clear, concise manner. Many readers find the book moving and profound, with an illuminating approach to life. Overall, the content is described as chilling and frightening.
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Customers find the book easy to read and engaging. They describe it as a masterful work of literature that starts slowly but improves over time. The book is described as fascinating and an excellent work from an excellent writer.
"...the source of his book's classic status - factual reporting that reads like a novel, displaying the intimacy with its characters that is normally..." Read more
"...And this is the genius of IN COLD BLOOD: It is a violent, unflinching account, sorrowful beyond belief (and made even more so because it's true);..." Read more
"...A masterpiece of criminal history. A masterpiece of literature. This is my second time reading...." Read more
"...The trial was described succinctly and fairly as were the subsequent appeals...." Read more
Customers find the story riveting and interesting. They appreciate the writing style as a true historical narrative in distinct novel form. The compositional choices deepen the narrative and bring forth greater complexity. Readers describe the book as an excellent work of non-fiction, a remarkable crime thriller, and the best true crime book they've ever read.
"...Capote builds his suspense masterfully, alternating between the movements of Hickock and Smith and those of the Clutters..." Read more
"...In Cold Blood is intriguing and unlike most true crime books that I have read, because of the immense detail Truman Capote puts into the backstories..." Read more
"...The telling is very respectful of the Clutter family; you learn of what remarkable people they were, even as they met their ends...." Read more
"...This book made me sad, it made me shiver; but I'm glad I read it." Read more
Customers praise the writing style as clear and transparent. They find the descriptions vivid and compelling, with no need for gory details. The book is described as mesmerizing and poetic, and the characters are portrayed with depth.
"...The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek..." Read more
"...back to the town is one of silence -- no attempted violence, no shouted insults...." Read more
"...Such is not the case with IN COLD BLOOD. Capote's prose is mesmerizing. His descriptions of Holcomb and its inhabitants are vivid and lively...." Read more
"...and the town and most of the murders and the aftermath into a crystal clarity of writing perfection...." Read more
Customers find the book provides a well-researched synopsis and interpretive analysis of the story. They appreciate the detailed descriptions of events without hyperbole. The book raises interesting questions about society and its past, with compelling characters tied together by an engaging narrative.
"...is Capote's genius and the source of his book's classic status - factual reporting that reads like a novel, displaying the intimacy with its..." Read more
"...The author sifts through an incredible amount of detail about the crime; information that could only have been gleaned with a tremendous amount of..." Read more
"...His research is impeccable, presented flawlessly, lushly, sweeping the reader away on waves of vibrant language...." Read more
"...In Cold Blood is a book that begs to be read. It's a book that captures great detail, a landscape and structure of everything that happened...." Read more
Customers find the book engaging and fun to read. They appreciate the author's profound and poetic approach to life. The descriptive narration effectively conveys the mood in each scene. The characters are vivid and lively, and the case is interesting. Overall, readers feel the book evokes strong emotions and depicts vividly the people, places, events, and emotions.
"...His descriptions of Holcomb and its inhabitants are vivid and lively...." Read more
"...heavy hitter, and the actual facts made it that much more serious and engaging...." Read more
"...Capote's mesmerizing account makes it almost possible to understand how two men could murder a family of four they had never met for less than fifty..." Read more
"...He manages to convey so much of the people, the places, the events and the emotions without an excess of prose...." Read more
Customers find the story chilling and frightening. They describe it as a true shock to life and an examination of the dark side of the psyche. Readers can feel the terror of the Clutter family on that dreadful night. The book is provocative, entertaining, and well-researched. The ending is subtle but heart-wrenching.
"...The effect is profound and eerie, since these pages are read with a foreknowledge of death not shared by the real-life characters on the page...." Read more
"...This was a true shock to life, a true horror to the small town reality...." Read more
"...This book made me sad, it made me shiver; but I'm glad I read it." Read more
"...I never felt any suspense or apprehension, perhaps because all events were a matter of record...." Read more
Customers appreciate the timeless and relevant content of the book. They find it evocative of America at mid-century and consider it the first modern book of its kind. The book looks new to them, even though it's set decades ago.
"...Well, he sure succeeded. So much so that the book is not as startling, new, and different - as novel - as it was 45 years ago, because in its path..." Read more
"...This book is not dated and well worth the read." Read more
"...The film riveted me. I had been wanting to see it for years so I picked up the DVD after Christmas and was very taken with it...." Read more
"Even 50 years later, this classic still captivates...." Read more
Customers appreciate the well-developed characters in the book. They find the portrayal of the convicted killers accurate and the character backgrounds provided by the author helpful. The characters are vividly depicted, with details and textures that make them come to life.
"...with whom we are intimate as characters in a novel, yet they are real people about whom he is reporting in a senseless, horrifying mass murder story...." Read more
"...He brought to life on these pages living breathing real life characters...." Read more
"...His descriptions are vivid, characters compelling, all tied together with a narrative that leaves you on the edge of your seat. "..." Read more
"...renderings of western Kansas life, his character studies and psychological probings, and his discussions of such issues as capital punishment and..." Read more
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- Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2009When a book like IN COLD BLOOD reaches the level of being a classic, there has to be a reason. Consider the following two excerpts:
"The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them."
"Then, starting home, he walked toward the trees, and under them, leaving behind him the big sky, the whisper of wind voices in the wind-bent wheat." The former excerpt is from Capote's opening paragraph; the latter cointains his closing sentence. Both are extraordinary, especially for their time, in capturing the mood and poetry of a place in the middle of a true-life story of a horrific mass murder.
As is certainly well known, IN COLD BLOOD is Truman Capote's magazine-article-turned full-length-docu-novel about the murders of four members of the Clutter family in their Holcomb, Kansas, farmhouse in November 1959. The two killers, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, were ultimately caught, tried, sentenced, and executed, factual matters that are still commonly known today thanks to two recent movies about Capote's life and his efforts to write the book. Even at its publication, IN COLD BLOOD was not a detective story in the traditional sense, since everyone already knew the perpetrators and the case's eventual disposition.
In an era when such incidents were reported either factually (newspaper style) or sensationally (crime magazine style), Truman Capote effectively created an entire new genre: journalism as art form. Writing with a level of descriptive detail about places and events that create a strong sense of immediacy in the reader's mind, he begins his story with a re-creation of the Clutter family's last day of life. The effect is profound and eerie, since these pages are read with a foreknowledge of death not shared by the real-life characters on the page. Capote builds his suspense masterfully, alternating between the movements of Hickock and Smith and those of the Clutters (husband and father Herbert, perennially sick wife and mother Bonnie, intelligent, tinkering son Kenyon, and All-American sweetheart daughter and town darling Nancy.
As he brings the two parties closer and closer together, Capote continues to fill in background on their respective lives. By the time his orchestrated characters have reached their mutual, bloody crescendo, the reader is intimately acquainted with them as individuals and their respective life stories. Thus, the author gives us individuals with whom we are intimate as characters in a novel, yet they are real people about whom he is reporting in a senseless, horrifying mass murder story. This is Capote's genius and the source of his book's classic status - factual reporting that reads like a novel, displaying the intimacy with its characters that is normally reserved for the so-called "omniscient author," the one who can hear, share, and express his or her characters' most private thoughts and motivations.
Capote's pacing and remarkable eye for detail never relent as the story moves from crime to investigation, arrest, and trial by jury. He maneuvered himself into a situation where he was privy to every detail of the police investigation; it is equally clear he had extended access to Hickock and Smith throughout their ordeal, up to and including their ultimate disposition. While it was doubtless a level of access no longer available to reporters or writers, Capote took maximum advantage of it in crafting his story. What comes out of it, surprisingly, is a tale of two socially maladjusted young men of above-average intelligence whose trial was of questionable fairness, particularly as regards the mental health of one of them (who was probably more criminally insane than scheming murderer). In one of the book's most telling moments, Capote recounts the reports that the court-appointed psychiatrist would have rendered had the judge (and Kansas state law at the time) allowed them to do so.
IN COLD BLOOD is truly a master work by an effete, East Coast reporter who beat the odds (and prejudices, no doubt) and entwined himself in his story and the lives of its actors to an unheard-of degree. The result was, and is, more than just a gripping account of a horrendous crime. It is a study in criminality: its victims, its effect on their families and community, its perpetrators and their families, even on the law enforcement personnel involved in the investigation. One can hardly imagine a more finely drawn study of a single crime and its all-too-human impact, presented in a form that remains to this day a page-turner in the very best sense of that phrase.
- Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2022Throughout this novel, it discusses the death penalty and the judicial system’s role in deciding the outcome of the trial. In Cold Blood, written by Truman Capote, illustrates how quickly a small town turned on each other in the mists of tragedy when they believed the murderer to be one of their own. The book follows the life and death of the Clutter family and the lifespan of Perry and Dick. Perry and Dick are both convicted felons, Capote illustrates their lives together after they were released from jail as well as flashbacks from times in their life before jail. Perry Smith and Dick Hickok were partners after jail despite the dramatic contrasts in their childhoods. Perry had a traumatic childhood, with 2 of his siblings dead before the time he turned 30. He also suffered from a motorcycle accident which disfigured the lower half of his body and caused him to become addicted to painkillers. Dick lived a somewhat normal childhood with 2 loving parents. The Clutter’s were a well-respected wealthy family in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas. On November 15, 1959, the Clutter family was killed with a shotgun held a few inches away from their face. Alvin Dewey, the lead detective on the case, struggled with finding a motive for their murders as there were almost no clues. This novel follows the Clutter family case with new clues and a possible motive coming to light. The title In Cold Blood tells the reader that the novel is going to be about a merciless killing that we later find out was driven by greed. Truman Capote won the O. Henry Memorial Short Story Prize twice for his short stories such as A Tree of Night and was a member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. In Cold Blood was Truman Capote’s only true crime novel, however, he wrote many other novels such as Other Voices, and Other Rooms. In Cold Blood was published in 1965. Truman Capote well illustrates how easy it is for people to become mistrusting and turn on each other. By the end of the novel the citizens of Holcomb as well as the individuals involved in the trial are on edge and are beginning not to trust each other. Capote creates a good hook and intrigues the reader by telling the reader from the start that the Clutter family is going to be killed. The reader will learn throughout the novel that people change and not everyone can be trusted no matter what you have gone through with that person. In Cold Blood is mainly for people ages 16+ because the details of the murder are not appropriate for children under that age. In Cold Blood is intriguing and unlike most true crime books that I have read, because of the immense detail Truman Capote puts into the backstories of all the characters including the other convicts and individuals Perry and Dick encounter in their travels. In Cold Blood is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble for prices ranging from $10.29-$16.95 depending on where the book is purchased.
Top reviews from other countries
Rafael Gallegos CancholaReviewed in Mexico on November 25, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Muy buen libro
El libro narra el asesinato de una familia en Kansas. Explora por qué y cómo los criminales llevaron a cabo el masacre. La historia sorprende sobre todo porque está basada en hechos reales.
jose maria cazorla gaheteReviewed in Spain on December 22, 2022
5.0 out of 5 stars rapidez
todo correcto
- PradeepReviewed in India on June 23, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars A Classic Crime story
I feel I'm the last person to have read this classic about a Kansas farmer and his family - who are viciously murdered by two crooks, a crime without apparent motive or clues - but I'm not surprised at all that this remains such a compelling journey, more that five decades later.
Capote surveys the lives of the Clutter family, painting a vivid picture of the 1950’s Midwestern small town USA.
While the stunning farm is brought to life, the individual members are examined in details that never seem verbose. The patriarch, Herb Clutter, is especially depicted as it later turns out he is the most barbarically slaughtered of the victims.
Along the way, the sundry and colorful inhabitants of the village of Holcomb, the upheavals in the life of the idyllic farming community and the lives of the investigators - obstinately determined to solve the apparently unsolvable and what appears to be the perfect crime - are examined in such a beautiful, yet considerate, flowing prose that I was bonded to the narrative till the last sentence.
But what sets this book apart is Capote's central analysis of the killers - Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. He deconstructs their lives in a fascinating arc, from their troubled childhood to the events leading up to the crime and their eventual capture and punishment. The parallel stories of the felons are intricately woven, alternating with the investigation and never once did I feel overwhelmed.
The ultimate result of the striking journalistic work by Capote (done with his childhood friend Harper Lee, as I later learned) and his fluent prose, is an unprecedented treatise on two dishonorable lives spinning out of control.
He makes you realize that they are, after all, very human too. The frightening realization is that with some twisted fate, any one of us could have been in their shoes. Some may even sympathize with them, and probably that scandalized a lot of the conservative 1960s readership.
The book succeeds in questioning our belief in capital punishment; the relationship between mental illness & crime ; and the effect of childhood vicissitudes & parent-child relationships moulding a person's life choices.
A few details of this 'non-fiction novel’ have been questioned by critics, but this is a path breaking work of American crime writing and it makes me wonder why Capote wasn't awarded the Pulitzer for this, if not the Nobel Prize!
I'm sorry I let this masterpiece rot away on my shelf for so long. I'm not even a tad ashamed to proclaim that I'm in love with the literary genius of Truman Capote.
- AnnieReviewed in Australia on April 19, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars A fascinating and terrifying story
This is still one of the best true crime stories ever written. The prose is exceptional! The characters have depth. The crimes are heartbreaking. It was written at a time when it was considered bad form to dramatise non-fiction even though the research was thorough. If published today it would be considered a masterpiece of story-telling. The detail is extraordinary. I read one quote about existence over and over; and although I'm not usually a highlighter as I read, felt compelled to highlight the quote. The saddest stories are based on real life.
- liciaReviewed in Italy on July 11, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars amazing!!!
I needed this. I really did.
Well, I would like to make clear that I’m just rating my feelings in reading this book. Not an expert in English or in English literature, so I would never dare to express any opinion in this regard.
This is my first TC read. II loved immensely Harper Lee’s “How to kill a Mockingbird” and I read that the two of them were very good friends. So I was curious about TC kind of writing.
The only work of his I’m acquainted with is Breakfast to Tiffany’s, but just because I saw the movie and I know that his story actually ends in a very different way.
It took me a while to finish reading In Cold Blood because, as always in July, work is dreadful. I have little time for myself and in that little time I’m very tired.
And this is a story you’ve got to pay a lot of attention to.
Well. TC has been able to wreck me emotionally, stir so deep emotions that unsettled me a way I tried not to be for many years now.
And I honestly didn’t expect that.
I mean the story is told in a true, unbiased journalistic style. The whole event observed with perfect clinic eyes, no opinion given, as if the story is told by a very detached observer.
And detached is the way I felt at the beginning, no real involvement despite the hideous crime. And I remember thinking, up until the first half of the story, “TC style is very different from HL” that had twisted my heart and made me cry my eyes out.
But then the two murderers are caught. The whole truth emerges. Their psychological profile is revealed in detail and ... I really do not know how he did that, without ever giving up his true objectivity, without warning, TC has managed to make me feel very emotional and to arouse in me a form of unexpected, strong, empathy towards the two criminals, despite both of them being very damaged. I can hardly explain that.
According to 2005 movie, TC formed a strong connection with one of the killers, actually with the sole killer, and his personality was indeed the one that upset me the most.
It’s not an easy story to read. Some books cannot be recommend in my POV.