10 Best Epigram Examples To Study

Witty sayings and short poems are known as epigrams.  Check out our top epigram examples that stood the test of time.

When youโ€™re searching for epigram examples, youโ€™ll notice that many great minds throughout history provided witty statements that have entertained generations. The definition of epigram is simple: itโ€™s a witty statement or short poem that conveys a clever or satirical statement to the reader. No specific poetic form is requiredโ€”an epigram is simply a literary device that conveys a quick, thoughtful message, often employing paradox or wordplay. Itโ€™s key to note that an epigram is different than an aphorism (a short statement that conveys a universal truth, such as โ€œhonesty is the best policyโ€).

Whether you already have a favorite epigrammatist (like Benjamin Franklin) or youโ€™re new to the idea of using an epigrammatic style, youโ€™ll find that reading a good example of an epigram isnโ€™t just educationalโ€”itโ€™s fun!

Top epigram examples

1. โ€œThere is only one thing worse in the world than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.โ€ โ€“ Oscar Wilde

One of the most well-known epigrammatists of all time, Oscar Wilde is known for his snarky, intelligent one-liners. In this famous epigram example, Wilde describes how difficult it is to be the subject of gossipโ€”but how itโ€™s even harder to live a life that goes unnoticed by the world. Weโ€™d guess that the aphorism โ€œthereโ€™s no such thing as bad publicityโ€ would have been right up Wildeโ€™s alley.

2. โ€œTo see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hourโ€ โ€“ William Blake

English poet William Blake wasnโ€™t well-known during his lifetime, but today, his epigrams, art, and poetry are widely recognized as defining parts of the Romantic Age. His thoughts on nature and the infinite wonder of the universe have captured the minds of students, philosophers, and critical thinkers for centuries.

3. โ€œI was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.โ€ โ€“ Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx
Groucho Marx was a famous writer, actor and one-liner comedian

Comedian, actor, and writer Groucho Marx wasnโ€™t just known for his command of the silver screen, small screen, and the stage. Heโ€™s also beloved for his zingy one-liners that made people laughโ€”and think. Marxโ€™s razor-sharp wit kept audiences on their toes from setting up a picnic lunch during a serious tennis match with Charlie Chaplin to wowing vaudeville crowds.

4. โ€œI am unable, yonder beggar cries, To stand, or move; if he say true, he lies.โ€ โ€“ John Donne

Now considered the first metaphysical poet, John Donne was born in 1572. Heโ€™s best known for his paradoxical work, delving into common questions of the human condition, including faith, love, and salvation. While much of Donneโ€™s work was quite serious in nature, his epigrams provide readers with a view into his unique sense of humor.

Epigrams give you pause for thought and plenty to think about. Much like this collection of thoughtful quotes.

5. โ€œSo all my best is dressing old words new, Spending again what is already spent: For as the sun is daily new and old, So is my love still telling what is told.โ€ โ€“ William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Some academics believe that Shakespeare was writing poems to a young man

The last four lines of Sonnet 76 include some of the most well-known epigrams in the English language. There is some argument amongst literary scholars about Shakespeareโ€™s Fair Youth sequence, including Sonnet 76. Some academics believe that Shakespeare was writing these poems to a young man, while others believe they were written to a young woman. 

6. โ€œLittle strokes fell great oaks.โ€ โ€“ Benjamin Franklin

Known for his wit and ingenuity, Benjamin Frankin was a one-of-a-kind wordsmith who never failed to express himself through prose. In this epigram example, Franklin speaks of persistence and commitment to a task, using small steps to accomplish a larger goal.

7. โ€œMankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.โ€ โ€“ John F. Kennedy

JFK had a flexible defense strategy that required careful calculation of military moves, minimizing the chance of miscalculating a threat. Kennedyโ€™s interest in international matters took root while he was a student at Harvard, long before he began his presidential run. 

8. โ€œTo err is human, to forgive, divine.โ€ โ€“ Alexander Pope

Born in the late 17th century, Alexander Pope was an English satirist and poet known for speaking out against the accepted morality of the time. While Pope certainly was not the first popular writer, heโ€™s widely regarded as the first writer to make a living from their craft, as he earned money from those who subscribed to his translations of Homer and his editions of Shakespeareโ€™s works.

9. โ€œBeauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.โ€ โ€“ Dorothy Parker

New York City-based poet and writer Dorothy Parker was known for her quick-witted quips, often laced with language and an attitude considered shocking in the early 21st century. A shining example of Parkerโ€™s attitude and love for epigrams was made clear when she asked for โ€œExcuse my dustโ€ for her epitaph.

10. โ€œIt is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.โ€ โ€“ Eleanor Roosevelt

Strength, grace, and wit are synonymous with Eleanor Rooseveltโ€™s legacy. The longest-serving First Lady in American history was known for her activism as much as her command of the English language, as evidenced by her many epigrams that are still quoted today.

For more interesting quotes, check out our article on inspiring creative quotes.

FAQs About Epigram Examples

What is an antonym for Epigram

Epigrams are typically a witty saying, one that expresses an idea in an unconventional or comedic way. Some famous examples include many of Oscar Wildeโ€™s most famous lines (such as โ€˜I can resist anything except temptationโ€™). Some Antonyms for Epigrams include Dysphemism, Euphemism, and Misconstruction.

What is an Epigram Poem?

Epigram poems are usually short, comedic verses that express a single idea. However, this idea is usually expressed in an unusual or roundabout way. For example, the concept that โ€˜Happiness is hard to findโ€™ could become โ€˜Happiness is like a Butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude youโ€™ (Extract from a work by Henry David Thoreau).

What is the difference between an Epigram and an Aphorism?

Aphorisms are typically short statements that reveal an universal truth. Epigrams also do this, but tend to have a satirical or comedic twist, which can make it hard to tell them apart from each other. For example, one of Oscar Wildeโ€™s most famous quotes is โ€˜In this world, there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what we want, and the other is getting itโ€™ is an Aphorism rather than an Epigram, as it is a statement of truth rather than a joke or poetic piece.

How do you write an Epigram?

The most straightforward way to create an Epigram is to decide upon an idea you wish to express, and then convey it in an unexpected or witty fashion. Take for example this Epigram from Fernando Pessoa, who expresses the idea that beauty is impossible to define: โ€˜To define the beautiful is to misunderstand it. This elevates the original idea with wit and insight.

What is the purpose of an Epigram?

The purpose of an Epigram is similar to that of a proverb; to communicate wisdom and insight in a short and concise piece with the addition of humour and an unexpected approach to the topic.

What separates Epigrams from Proverbs is that Eprigrams typically have a satirical or withering perspective on the world or mankind, pointing out odd or harsh truths as the punchline of the piece.

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