Top 70 List of Rhyming Words For Budding Poets

Here is our top list of rhyming words that will help you with writing poems.

Poets and songwriters often use rhyming words to convey entertaining stories by adding rhythm to their works. Writers should learn about rhyming words to improve their skills and artistry, especially in creative writing. Learn the different rhyming words using our examples below.

What Are Rhyming Words?

List of Rhyming Words
Playing with vowels, consonants, blends, and diagraphs makes creating rhyming words fun

Rhyme is the repetition of similar ending sounds. Rhyming words are two or more words that end with the same sound. These words do not begin with the same sound but have a similar ending sound. Playing with vowels, consonants, blends, and diagraphs makes creating rhyming words fun. Besides developing writing skills, these words make reading more amusing. Readers will also learn new English words through spelling and pronunciation.

Listed below are some helpful rhyming words you can use in writing poems, stories, songs, and many more:

Achoo โ€“ BooEnjoy โ€“ BoyProject โ€“ Select
All โ€“ CallExplain โ€“ PainPearl โ€“ World
Ad โ€“ AddFare โ€“ FairPress โ€“ Chess
Ah โ€“ NahFour โ€“ DoorRings โ€“ Wings 
Aha โ€“ HurrahFrog โ€“ DogRock โ€“ Chalk
Alright โ€“ TightGee โ€“ MeRoots โ€“ Fruits
Awake โ€“ SnakeGoodbye โ€“ Why Said โ€“ Red 
Ball โ€“ FallGreet โ€“ MeetSave โ€“ Cave
Bam โ€“ WhamHey โ€“ SaySeoul โ€“ Soul
Beans โ€“ Greens Hole โ€“ SoleSeven โ€“ Heaven
Bet โ€“ PetHoly Cow โ€“ WowSticks โ€“ Six 
Biceps โ€“ TricepsI โ€“ EyeSkin โ€“ Chin
Biking โ€“ HikingJapan โ€“ BanShorts โ€“ Skorts
Board โ€“ BoredJim โ€“ GymStar โ€“ Guitar
Boat โ€“ CoatKing โ€“ SingStay โ€“ Today
Bong โ€“ SongLook โ€“ CookStop โ€“ Shop
Bread โ€“ SpreadMalaysia โ€“ AsiaToy โ€“ Boy 
Cat โ€“ RatMap โ€“ LapWish โ€“ Dish
Chance โ€“ GlanceMake โ€“ CakeWrite โ€“ Bright
Chloe โ€“ JoeyMilkshake โ€“ SteakYuck โ€“ Duck 
Dancing โ€“ TwirlingMoon โ€“ SoonYou โ€“ True
Driving โ€“ DivingNot โ€“ KnotYou โ€“ Guru
Dove โ€“ LoveOne โ€“ Won
Eight โ€“ SkateMickey โ€“ Ricky

Are you planning to publish a book? Here are the 18 parts every author must know.

Rhyming Words from the Same Word Family

These are the most common rhyming words in the English language. Every word ends with the same set of letters or word family for this type. Some examples of word families in this list create new rhyming words by adding letters from the English alphabet like ake, ain, all, an, ap, at, ing, ay, and many more. With these, you can also invent nonsense words like those utilized in Dr. Seussโ€™sโ€™ Thereโ€™s a Wocket in My Pocket.

  1. All โ€“ Call

We must all answer our countryโ€™s desperate call.

  1. Awake โ€“ Snake

I was already awake when I saw the snake.

  1. Ball โ€“ Fall

The boy runs after the ball, which causes him to fall.

  1. Bet โ€“ Pet

We bet on who has the better pet.

  1. Boat โ€“ Coat

Can we return to the boat to get my coat?

  1. Cat โ€“ Rat

I just saw a cat playing with a rat.

  1. Chance โ€“ Glance

Tyrone wants a chance to see his future at a glance.

  1. Dove โ€“ Love

They believe that a dove represents friendship, peace, and love.

  1. Explain โ€“ Pain

His doctor is asking for medical tests to explain whatโ€™s causing the pain.

  1. Greet โ€“ Meet

The idols want to greet their fans, so they plan a fan meet.

  1. Japan โ€“ Ban 

Travel agencies are now offering new package tours since Japan no longer has a travel ban.

  1. King โ€“ Sing

As if the world stop spinning when the king begins to sing.

  1. Look โ€“ Cook

Look for the right ingredients for the dish youโ€™re going to cook.

  1. Map โ€“ Lap

To find his way back, Leo uses the map on his lap.

  1. Make โ€“ Cake

Your mother said weโ€™ll make a chocolate cake.

  1. Moon โ€“ Soon

They said itโ€™s a full moon tonight, and I want to see it soon!

  1. Project โ€“ Select

I hope my project proposal is the one they select.

  1. Save โ€“ Cave

They want to save the man who lives in the cave.

  1. Stay โ€“ Today

Please stay; I donโ€™t want to be alone today.

  1. Wish โ€“ Dish

How I wish youโ€™ll clean a single dish.

Rhyming Words with Different Spelling

These words donโ€™t always have the same vowel and ending sounds. Sometimes, they are โ€œhomophonesโ€ or words with identical pronunciations but varying meanings, spellings, and roots. Homophones also end with the same sounds.

Some find it problematic and confusing, especially those unfamiliar with English. In a verbal conversation, the only way to know what the speaker is referring to is through context clues. In written communication, itโ€™s easier to understand the distinct meanings of the words.

Hereโ€™s how to use homophones:

  1. Ad โ€“ Add

She posted an ad about math class for learning to add.

  1. Board โ€“ Bored

Linda wants to board the bus for the 5-hour trip, but she quickly gets bored.

  1. Eight โ€“ Skate

There are eight candidates ready to skate.

  1. Fare โ€“ Fair

Everyone here paid the fare, so give us a seat and be fair.

  1. Four โ€“ Door

There are four rooms on the first floor; my room is at the last door.

  1. Goodbye โ€“ Why

You know itโ€™s difficult for me to say goodbye, so why?

  1. I โ€“ Eye

I think Iโ€™m starting to have problems with my eye.

  1. Jim โ€“ Gym

Jim always visits the gym.

  1. Milkshake โ€“ Steak

Michael likes ordering a milkshake to go along with his steak.

  1. Not โ€“ Knot

For us not to take too long to untie the string later, do not tighten the knot.

  1. One โ€“ Won

Out of more than 50 participants, only one contestant won.

  1. Pearl โ€“ World

The Philippines has the largest pearl in the world.

  1. Rock โ€“ Chalk

To write their name, Gian uses the rock as chalk.

  1. Said โ€“ Red

He said to color his hair red.

  1. Seoul โ€“ Soul

My sister advised me to book a flight to Seoul, South Korea, to find your soul.

  1. Seven โ€“ Heaven

My grandmother was seventy-seven when her guardian angel finally took her to heaven.

  1. Sticks โ€“ Six

For the project tomorrow, make sure to bring the sticks when we meet at the park at six am.

  1. Write โ€“ Bright

My favorite author wants to write a story about a bright but unlucky protagonist.

  1. You โ€“ True

You need to stop pretending because I only want to know what is true.

  1. You โ€“ Guru

Stop making me laugh, and what are you now, a love guru?

Rhyming Words with Interjections

People use these words and phrases as exclamations in writing or communicating. Sometimes theyโ€™re also used to stall time while talking. See our examples of interjections that rhyme:

  1. Achoo โ€“ Boo

My friends are weird because after I said โ€œachoo!โ€ they said boo.

  1. Ah โ€“ Nah

Ah! If youโ€™re telling me to lie, then nah.

  1. Aha โ€“ Hurrah

Aha! I know youโ€™ll win, hurrah!

  1. Alright โ€“ Tight

Alright, go home now and sleep tight!

  1. Bam โ€“ Wham

I woke up from hearing a loud bam! I was so nervous I fell down the stairs with a deafening wham!

  1. Enjoy โ€“ Boy

I want you to enjoy your party, so go on, boy!

  1. Gee โ€“ Me

Gee, I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s happening to me!

  1. Hey โ€“ Say

Hey, can you tell me everything will be okay?

  1. Holy Cow โ€“ Wow

Holy cow! I canโ€™t say anythingโ€ฆ just wow!

  1. Yuck โ€“ Duck 

Yuck! Is that a duck?

Other English Rhyming Words

Rhyming words are everywhere. However, you should be aware that some words donโ€™t rhyme, even if they have the exact spelling. These words are called โ€œheteronyms.โ€ They have the same spelling but different meanings and pronunciations. For example, bow (rhymes with low, refers to a weapon or an instrumentโ€™s fiddlestick) and bow (rhymes with cow, means to bend, as in after a performance or to demonstrate respect.)

There are also instances where words have the same last letters but donโ€™t rhyme. An example of this is rough and dough. They end with โ€œoughโ€ but donโ€™t sound the same, meaning they are not rhyming words. Other than saying the words out loud or using rhyming dictionaries, look at the samples below to be more familiar with rhyming words: 

  1. Beans โ€“ Greens

Sheila asks her mother to put more beans in the meal than greens.

  1. Biceps โ€“ Triceps

Gio likes to work on his biceps, while his friend Mark focuses more on his triceps.

  1. Biking โ€“ Hiking

Dad wants my brother to choose biking as a sport instead of hiking.

  1. Bong โ€“ Song

My uncle Bong loves his wife so much that he writes her a love song.

  1. Bread โ€“ Spread

My bread should be hot enough to quickly melt the butter after each spread.

  1. Chloe โ€“ Joey

The company wants to promote Chloe, but she has to choose between her career and her son Joey.

  1. Dancing โ€“ Twirling

She likes dancing, but everyone tells her to join the majorette team because sheโ€™s good at baton twirling.

  1. Driving โ€“ Diving

Itโ€™s nice to go driving to the beach and prepare our equipment for diving.

  1. Frog โ€“ Dog

Iโ€™m looking at the big, scary-looking frog waiting for the right moment to jump on the back of my dog.

  1. Hole โ€“ Sole

Everyone could see his shoes were old because there was a hole in the right sole.

  1. Malaysia โ€“ Asia

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country in Southeast Asia.

  1. Mickey โ€“ Ricky

The huge golden retriever next door is Mickey, and his pet owner is my friend Ricky.

  1. Press โ€“ Chess

Iโ€™d rather go to the gym and bench press than waste time playing chess.

  1. Roots โ€“ Fruits

He has a habit of uprooting old roots in their yard to plant new fruits.

  1. Skin โ€“ Chin

The more I stare in the mirror to look at the skin on my face, the more I notice somethingโ€™s wrong with my chin.

  1. Shorts โ€“ Skorts

If you like shorts, fine, but I like the little flap across the front, and I call it skorts.

  1. Star โ€“ Guitar

I know he will be a big star; look how well he plays the guitar

  1. Stop โ€“ Shop

Donโ€™t stop looking till you get to the last level of the mall if you want to find the shop.

  1. Toy โ€“ Boy

I think the red toy car my niece is holding belongs to the little boy.

  1. Rings โ€“ Wings 

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