Here is our top list of th words you can add to your writing. Read our guide.
Words with “th” are prevalent in English and we use them daily. To correctly use these words, you must know their types, position, and correct sounds. We have collected over 100 words with the “th” sound for you to familiarize yourself with and expand your vocabulary and communicate easily.
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What are Th words?

These words are also known as consonant diagraphs, or words with two or more consonants combined to make one sound. The voiced /ð/ “th” means the sound is made with the vocal cords, such as “loathe” and “they.” Meanwhile, the unvoiced /θ/ “th” is where only air passes through the mouth, like “ethics,” “athletic,” and “authentic.”
The table below contains “th” in the words’ beginning, middle, and ending.
Aftermath | Math | Thill |
Anything | Method | Thin |
Author | Month | Think |
Bathrobe | Mothball | Third |
Bathroom | Mother | Thirsty |
Bathtub | Mouth | Thirteen |
Beneath | Myth | This |
Birthday | Northwest | Thorns |
Booth | Nothing | Thorough |
Both | Oath | Thoughtful |
Breadth | Panther | Thousand |
Breath | Pathway | Thread |
Broth | Python | Thrifty |
Brother | Ruth | Thrill |
Cloth | Seventh | Thrive |
Death | Sheath | Throat |
Depth | Sloth | Throttle |
Earth | Smooth | Thud |
Earthquake | Something | Thumb |
Earthworms | Sooth | Thunder |
Eighth | South | Thursday |
Either | Strength | Thyme |
Ethyl | Tether | Thyroid |
Faith | Thank | Toothache |
Feather | Thanksgiving | Toothpick |
Filthy | Thaw | Truthful |
Forth | The | Underneath |
Gather | Theater | Warmth |
Girth | Them | Width |
Goldsmith | Theology | With |
Goth | Theory | Withhold |
Growth | Therapy | Within |
Healthy | There | Without |
Labyrinth | Thermos | Worthy |
Leather | Thick | Wreath |
Length | Thief | Youthful |
Lithe | Thigh |
Words With Th in the Initial Position
Below is a list of common words starting with “th.” If vowels follow the consonants, it’s a type of voiced “th” word. On the other hand, the voiceless “th” is usually succeeded by another consonant.
- Thanksgiving
We are cleaning the house for tonight’s thanksgiving party.
- Thaw
You should let the frozen chicken thaw before cooking it.
- Theater
All students must go to the nearest movie theater, watch the movie, and write a reaction paper.
- Theology
We need to take Theology classes if we want to pass the semester.
- Therapy
Mikael’s doctor requires him to attend and complete his physical therapy so he can walk again.
- There
There are many people in the park waiting for the annual fireworks display.
- Thermos
This thermos was given to me by my uncle.
- Thick
Juliet looks good with her naturally thick eyebrows.
- Thigh
Shaina wants to get a dragon tattoo on her thigh.
- Thill
The wagon’s thill needs to be repaired at once.
- Thin
An hourglass body shape refers to proportionately broad shoulders and hips with a thin waist.
- Think
Do you think campus bad boy Keanu is really in love with Jina?
- Third
It’s the third time I submitted my work late.
- This
Is there any way to escape this horror house?
- Thirsty
People of all genders, ages, and races are thirsty for fair treatment.
- Thirteen
My neighbor has thirteen cats playing around in his house.
- Throat
As a singer, it’s vital to take care of your throat.
- Thorns
Be careful of that rose’s thorns.
- Thorough
We need to do a thorough investigation to ensure we don’t miss any evidence.
- Thoughtful
Mike gave Linda a bouquet of flowers just because; I hope to meet someone as thoughtful as him.
- Thread
Avoid picking at your shirt’s loose thread unless you want to ruin it.
- Thrifty
She’s thrifty because she’s saving up for a PlayStation.
- Thrill
The thrill of riding rollercoasters is incomparable!
- Thrive
Our departments thrive under the new management.
- Throttle
She’s in jail because she tried to throttle her ex’s new girlfriend.
- Thud
He closed the door with a heavy thud.
- Thumb
You must add your thumb mark to complete the application.
- Thunder
We need to check on him immediately because he has astraphobia and can’t handle thunder and lightning.
- Thursday
We’ll have a meeting on Thursday in preparation for the sports fest.
- Thyroid
I think it’s best if you get your thyroid checked.
Looking for more? Check out this list of tone words.
Words With Th in the Medial Position
For these, the “th” is in the middle of the word and usually has a voiced “th” pronunciation. In some cases, “th” makes two distinct sounds which often happens when a word ending in “t” is combined with another word beginning with “h.” When this is the case, “th” is no longer a consonant digraph.
- Anything
Lily is lucky that she can do anything she wants because she is rich and has supportive parents.
- Bathrobe
She has a fancy bathrobe inside the closet.
- Bathroom
We plan to renovate our bathroom in the early summer.
- Birthday
I want my birthday party to be intimate; I only plan to invite 12 people.
- Brother
My brother won’t let you get away with your crimes!
- Earthworms
The gardener told us that a large population of earthworms in the compost means it’s rich in nutrients.
- Either
Either you tell him the truth, or I will!
- Ethyl
Ethyl alcohol is the best for cleaning wounds.
- Feather
I prefer feather pillows because they’re softer and can keep me warm throughout the night.
- Gather
The students gather in the auditorium for the announcement.
- Leather
My sister loves leather bags and has a collection of them in different sizes.
- Lithe
Lora is very proud of her lithe figure.
- Mothball
You should put mothballs inside your cabinets to keep the fiber pests away.
- Mother
My mother is a hard-working woman.
- Method
The scientific method urges us to follow a specific procedure.
- Northwest
The map says we should take the northwest route.
- Nothing
I’m afraid we’re fully booked for the evening; there is nothing else we can do.
- Panther
I don’t think taking in a stray panther is a great idea.
- Pathway
We can take the narrow pathway from the back of our house to the river.
- Python
My pet phyton may be big and scary for some, but she’s not venomous.
- Something
There is something I need to tell you in private.
- Tether
We tether our dogs near the big oak tree.
- Toothache
I’m accompanying my sister to a dentist tomorrow; she has a severe toothache she can no longer bear.
- Toothpick
I don’t like using a toothpick because I might poke my gums and cause them to bleed.
- Truthful
I was being truthful when I told her about her cheating boyfriend.
- Withhold
Everyone must know that even the latest technology can’t withhold nature’s revenge.
- Within
Unfortunately, the lions lived their whole lives within these cages.
- Without
I’m sure she’ll manage without me.
- Worthy
Please give me another chance, and I promise to do everything to be worthy of your trust.
- Youthful
Because of my mother’s youthful appearance, many people often mistake us as siblings.
Words With Th in the Final Position
English terms ending in “th” have the same pronunciation rules as those in the beginning position. However, it’s important to know this is not always the case. It’s because the pronunciation of the word depends on its spelling.
- Beneath
To keep all his savings away from his wife, Carlo put them in a hidden drawer beneath their shoe cabinet.
- Booth
Do you think I can find my soulmate if I set up a kissing booth?
- Both
Both of her parents agreed to a shared custody arrangement.
- Breadth
We require someone with an extensive breadth of knowledge to fill the position.
- Breath
Please don’t come close to me; I can smell your alcohol breath from miles away.
- Broth
Can you please pass me the chicken broth?
- Cloth
Aunt Mildred uses old fabrics to make cloth bags.
- Earth
The planet Earth is full of wonders.
- Eighth
She’s sulking because she won eighth place among ten contestants.
- Faith
All I ask is that you put your faith in me; I won’t let you down.
- Forth
Alonzo has been going back and forth outside the house to see if his son has arrived.
- Girth
You have to measure the tree’s girth to know if it’s suitable for a furniture set.
- Goth
Since she prefers the goth aesthetic that uses dark palettes
- Labyrinth
I plan to put a labyrinth right in front of the house.
- Length
My sister’s current hair length is 20 inches, the longest hair she has ever had.
- Math
He’s good at math but doesn’t want to participate in any school competition.
- Month
The local government runs a free health check-up program every month.
- Myth
There’s a myth that if you stay up until 3 AM while holding a candle, this mirror will show you your soulmate.
- Oath
The elected president will take the oath at 11 AM in front of the national museum.
- Seventh
Jin and his partner will celebrate their seventh anniversary next month.
- Sheath
Put your sword back in its sheath, and let’s discuss the issue calmly.
- Sloth
We call her a sloth because she’s lazy and unenthusiastic.
- Smooth
We accept cards and e-payments for reservations to ensure smooth transactions.
- Sooth
To others, he looks like a weak king; in sooth, he’s taking care of the crown’s spending.
- South
Her house is near the south of the border.
- Strength
Fitness enthusiasts do resistance training to improve their strength and endurance.
- Underneath
I’m wondering what he’s hiding underneath his placid smile.
- Width
For a carpenter to make a table with the correct length and width, he needs to know the accurate measurements and angles of the whole area.
- With
Cindy will come with me to the amusement park.
- Wreath
My mom is asking me to help her pick out the materials we will use to make a holiday wreath.
More Common Th Words
There are many “th” words in the English language that you can use in writing or even speaking. Note that there are “th” words with a silent “h” common to nouns. For example, “Thomas,” “Thalia,” and “Thailand.”
- Aftermath
Sixteen thousand people died, and almost a million buildings were destroyed in the aftermath of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.
- Author
Being a bookworm and writing short stories are some of the ways how to become an author.
- Bathtub
My father’s willingness to splurge on a bathtub is a miracle since he’s the stingiest man I’ve ever known.
- Death
Sadly, people will only care for you once they learn you’re near death.
- Depth
The village’s outdoor swimming pool has a four to seven feet depth.
- Earthquake
The news says an earthquake may occur after or during the eruption, so people near the volcano should evacuate immediately.
- Filthy
The kind prince offers the beggar new clothes to replace his filthy garments.
- Goldsmith
The older woman asks the goldsmith to melt her necklace and make a ring for her granddaughter.
- Growth
We expect rapid sales growth once we use a famous personality for advertising our products.
- Healthy
After her doctor’s appointment, Gina excitedly calls her swimming coach to say she’s healthy enough to train again.
- Mouth
Watching this cooking show makes my mouth water.
- Ruth
Her ruth over her lover’s death drove her to madness.
- Thank
There is no need to thank me; I was just doing my job.
- The
The bullies are starting to tease Jhonny again.
- Them
Tell them I’ll be waiting at the aquatic park.
- Theory
I have a theory of why she’s always sad, but I don’t want to overstep my boundaries.
- Thief
Everyone starts panicking when the thief shows his gun to the cashier.
- Thousand
I don’t mind waiting a thousand years if it means I’ll end up with you.
- Thyme
Do you like thyme in your steak?
- Warmth
Come outside and feel the warmth of the sunshine on your skin.
When editing for grammar, we also recommend taking the time to improve the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing or submitting