Why Write a Novel? Top 8 Reasons to Be a Novelist

Why write a novel? A common question of a novice fiction writer. Read our guide to find out why regular writers become novelists.

Novels are a meaningful part of literature. They are doorways to new worlds created by writers. In the case of historical novels, they reflect each era’s societal norms, beliefs, and challenges. Recent data shows that 50% of US citizens read poetry, short stories, and novels, with romance and fantasy novels dominating the fiction genre.

Even for experienced writers, curating 80,000 words for a literary endeavor is daunting. Plus, writing is just one part of the novel-creation journey. You’ll also need thorough research, build a whole universe, sew an exciting plotline, and care for your characters’ dynamics to tie everything together nicely. Writing a novel takes courage and commitment. Moreover, if you dream of publishing your novel, you’ll have to work with editors and marketers to make it a success.

Top 8 Reasons to Write Your First Novel

1. To Tell Your Own Story

Why Write a Novel? To tell your own story
If you’re an avid fictional reader looking for a specific story to read that you can relate to, writing a novel of your own is an effective way to get it out and read anytime

Highly imaginative people crave to share their vision with others. But being a creative person doesn’t mean you’re automatically a great verbal storyteller. On the contrary, an excellent way to narrate your fantasy is to put these scenarios on paper. Seeing your thoughts on paper lets you edit, delete, and add events that make everything cohesive. 

Some write novels as a job, but most produce their own as a hobby. These non-professional novelists write for personal entertainment and to deal with stories that occupy their minds. It allows them to tell, visualize, and feel what their characters see or experience. If you’re an avid fictional reader looking for a specific story to read that you can relate to, writing a novel of your own is an effective way to get it out and read anytime. 

2. To Accomplish Something Remarkable

If collecting classic novel books is an achievement to some readers, to others, it’s becoming a famous novelist like Stephen King. Most authors want to write novels to leave a legacy, a story that will live long after they are gone. Finishing a novel is a great accomplishment you’ll feel proud of for a long time. Commemorate the experience by publishing or printing it to keep or share with your loved ones.

Aspiring novelists go to the extent of getting multiple degrees to craft better novels. Others directly publish their creation. Although many hope to make a living out of being a novelist, remember there’s no formal education necessary to write novels.

3. It Improves Your Writing Skills

Writing a book is a life-changing experience you will cherish forever. With the many challenges that accompany writing novels, you’ll also improve your writing skills significantly. Today, written communication is so important. That’s why you need good writing skills and a solid and extensive knowledge of the language you use daily. Through writing your novel, you’ll refine your composition and descriptions with thousands of words to write and edit.

For example, to avoid redundant words, you’ll search for synonyms. You’ll also polish your grammar and better understand how to portray animated dialogues. Even if you don’t finish your novel, what you learned while writing it will aid you in creating better shorter forms of content.

4. It’s Easier to Write and Publish Novels Today

Technology helps novelists in pursuing their passion for writing. Those who are hesitant about their writing skills can take free online writing classes, watch videos, or follow successful authors for tips on improving their proficiency. There are also groups, forums, and podcasts for in-depth discussions about the writing process. It’s very different from the past when learning and publishing novels was a complicated expense. 

Another benefit of modern technology is the availability of software and sites that you can use for easier writing. If before you needed a home computer to open a Microsoft application, now you can write on apps installed on your smartphone anytime, anywhere. Some apps you can try are Google Docs, Ulysses, and Novlr. Meanwhile, others improve grammar and readability, like Grammarly and Hemmingway Editor.

Plus, the internet offers many opportunities for reaching audiences across the globe. For example, you can create the first chapter of your novel and post it online, and people from the other end of the world will cheer you on to continue the remaining chapters.

See our Grammarly review to know if this grammar-checker is worth using when writing your novel.

5. To Monetize Your Knowledge and Skills

Why Write a Novel? To monetize your knowledge and skills
Another thing to remember about monetizing your novel is that you are in control of your earnings

If you’re set on turning your skills and experience into something that can help you pay the bills, the web also has your back. However, keep your expectations low when starting so you don’t burn out and get frustrated. You should also anticipate meeting others who have already jumped into novel writing with the thought of making good money.

Here’s a tip: When starting, keep the positive comments from your readers and use them as inspiration to continue your novel. Avoid mean comments and learn from constructive criticisms.

To be a successful novelist online, gather a loyal fanbase or followers who genuinely enjoy your work. Keep their engagement by posting relevant content that can spill into other users’ accounts. Steady growth in your social media accounts means you can now publish your novel. A popular method of sharing books is publishing them on Kindle for free.

Another thing to remember about monetizing your novel is that you are in control of your earnings. When you keep publishing more books, you get more profits. It’ll also grow your audience and recognition. Once you get the right amount of attention, there will be more income and the possibility of being featured on various novel sites, magazines, or even getting a movie adaptation.

6. To Connect with Other People

A writer’s goal in publishing novels is to connect and communicate with the readers. Aside from building and sharing your novel’s world, you also give life to fictional characters. Introducing these characters with their unique personalities and backgrounds adds to their lifelike appeal. What makes a successful novel is its characters’ relatability, such as in the case of Harry Potter

Apart from your readers, you also connect with other writers, editors, and beta-readers who provide valuable feedback. Through novels, you can reconnect with old friends or form new relationships with people who are fond of books and storytelling. Further, writing a book is an opportunity to connect with yourself. Everything in a novel reflects who you are as a person, especially the main character’s decisions and tribulations.

7. To Have a Happier and Healthier Life

Writing novels makes you more productive and leads to a happier life. In addition, creative expression improves one’s mood and social life, which are critical to fighting depression and mental stress.

Individuals who have traumatic experiences get a medium they can use to channel their intense emotions and start their healing. It creates a safe place to express feelings and bad energy, so you get it out of your system. Fictional stories and novels are a powerful form of escape from reality. When you write, read, or listen to a story, your brain becomes more active, improving memory and awareness. Brain health is crucial for your body to function correctly.

8. To Increase Self Confidence

Completing a novel is an accomplishment not everyone can do. Knowing there’s one thing you did that others can’t instantly boost confidence. Self-trust is necessary for life as it aids you in decision-making.

Especially if you choose to make creating novels your career, then you need the faith to keep going to avoid missing out on opportunities. The difficulties you faced in completing your book will only be a memory when you finally hold and confidently show the fruit of those hardships to other people.Is a character in your novel making a speech? Here’s a guide on how to write an inspiring speech.

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