Why write poems? Express your thoughts and feelings and discover more reasons to get creative with poetry through this guide.
We can trace ancient poetry to 5000 BC. However, its influence is still apparent today as a prevalent medium to share one’s beliefs and ideas. It falls under creative writing, where writers express themselves and share their messages directly with the reader. Songs without music are poems, with carefully arranged words in rhymes and meanings.
Poetry isn’t just for school projects or teenagers who crave to show off their literary talents. There are 28 million adults who are fond of this major literary genre as it taps into all areas of life and can relay an individual’s most personal musings.
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Top 8 Reasons to Write Poems
1. It Improves Your Skills

Creating poems expands your writing, speaking, reading, and comprehension skills by encouraging you to break the writing rules you’ve learned and find new or unfamiliar words in poetry, which develops and improves your writing skills.
Remember that you are melodically expressing your thoughts and feelings when writing poetry. So it’s vital to choose a fitting language that can convey what you mean. Continuous practice will help you deepen your understanding of the English language.
2. To Express Yourself
Composing poems is a beautiful and unique way of expressing yourself. When you let someone read your poems, you give them a glimpse of what’s happening inside your heart and mind. Painting a picture with words from your experiences and beliefs lets your reader understand you better than when you speak. You can use poetry in many ways, such as sharing your personal life or political and cultural opinions.
Poems are distinct from other writing categories, as you must go deeper into your encounters, thoughts, and feelings to express yourself fully. They are a way of processing the emotions you’re handling. Poets write to immortalize their feelings on something tangible.
For instance, poets pen celebrations, achievements, and other joyous events so they can look back and remember them. When they feel sorrow, they write poems to work through difficult situations and gain new insights into themselves.
3. It Creates a Healthy Intrapersonal Relationship
The type of poems you create reveals who you are as a person. It helps you explore and discover new things about yourself. This personal space aids in revealing your true self so you can communicate at your own pace.
Understanding yourself is critical to self-development and self-love, which can aid in preventing mental and physical illnesses. Having a good relationship with yourself means you are more confident in who you are. It aids in managing your emotions to shift your thinking to keep your focus on goals. When you are kind to yourself, it’s easier to build and maintain good relationships with others.
4. To Reflect and Deal with Emotions
Writing poems is a great medium to sort out your thoughts. It’s excellent for when you are overwhelmed and stressed. Poems encourage constant self-reflection to assess where you are at present and where you want to be in the future. It helps you slow down and think carefully before speaking or doing anything to avoid missing opportunities.
Self-reflection strengthens your emotional intelligence, making it easier for you to deal with your emotions and cope with various life challenges. When you release your negative feelings and have the time to process what they mean, they gradually become easier to handle. Writing poems helps you digest your emotions, so you don’t invalidate your feelings.
5. To Connect with People
Poets who share their works with others do so to find peers who have the same experiences and feelings. These poems aid those who can’t find the right words to describe their battles and their effects on them.
Failing to express feelings appropriately turns the fight-or-flight switch in our brains on. When emotions improve, we create more problems for ourselves, including stress and anxiety. Plus, the incident becomes more bearable when people know they’re not the only ones going through or have gone through a difficult situation.
Others create poems for their loved ones to relay their love and appreciation. This gesture strengthens your connection with your partner and relatives.
6. It’s Therapeutic
Writing poetry has emotional benefits for people experiencing severe emotional pain. Grief, for example, is a painful emotion and the source of some inspirational poems you see today. Poetry therapy is another type of bibliotherapy where the therapist uses poetry in treatments to help someone understand their feelings so they can start the healing process.
Here are some activities in poetry therapy:
- Abused patients read poems about anger to recognize their anger.
- Patients should write poems to express feelings they find difficult to explain.
- Patients can use poetry as a new way of communicating their feelings to other people.
- Patients use metaphors that offer a window into their emotions to help the therapist identify their issues.
Writing poetry is like making journal entries; they’re great avenues to get your feelings out. Your poems are snapshots of your soul that you can share with others or keep to yourself.
7. To Create a Legacy

Do you want to be as famous as Shakespeare? Poets who wish to showcase their talents publish their collections. Those who have accumulated fame from their creativity offer commissions to make personal poems for others or sell their compilation through digital and physical books. Here are some tips to follow if you’re keen on earning money through your poems:
- Stick to a specific niche to keep your old audience and garner new ones interested in the same themes.
- Create social media accounts and make your presence known through steady engagement and frequent posts.
- Guest write for another author with a notable following to expose yourself to other audiences. It can be for a simple post or as a piece in their published anthology.
- Actively collaborate with other poets. Build connections with other writers to keep your followers entertained and involved.
- Join poetry events such as slams and open mics. You can also organize your affair where you showcase your work.
- Join poetry competitions. Even if you don’t win, more people will know about your work with your participation alone.
These opportunities were hard to come by in the past. But because of modern technology, everyone now has the chance to publish their poetry. Additionally, there are different websites where you can get a publisher. But if you prefer to be more traditional, you can personally submit your poems to your choice of publisher or editor.
Know these 19 biased languages to avoid when writing your poems.
8. It’s An Educational Tool For The New Generation
Poetry is beneficial not only for the young and old but also for children. Teachers use rhymes as an educational tool to develop a child’s verbal and written skills. The rhythm and tone of rhymes help a child understand and become familiar with where a word fits. It is also a way of introducing the art of creative writing lacking in today’s new generation.Here are the 15 types of poems every writer should know.