#Lego Fortnite
47 Stories

How to Feed Farm Animals in LEGO Fortnite
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Farm animals get you lots of resources in LEGO Fortnite such as milk, egg, fertilizer, etc. However, just taming and assigning the animal is not enough in the game. That is why you will need to feed them regularly in the Barn. Alternatively, you can ask villager to help you out with taking care of the farm animals.

How to Tame and Assign Animals in LEGO Fortnite
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In LEGO Fortnite, you can tame and assign animals. To do so, you will need to have a Barn and Animal Treat ready. Feed the Animal Treat to an animal to tame and lure them into your village. After an animal is following you, you can go to a Barn and assign it to the animal.

LEGO Fortnite ‘Mechanical Mayhem’ Brings Actual Vehicles in the Game
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LEGO Fortnite has added new vehicles in the Mechanical Mayhem update. You can now build vehicles using Power Center, Wheels, and Seats. Build yourself a Speeder, Offroader, or the Hauler in the game depending on what is your need. Use Compost bin to get Biomass that powers your vehicle, use Wrench to tinker in your vehicle build and add the Illuminator to make night driving safer.

Fortnite Expands Further with Two New LEGO Game Modes
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LEGO has expanded its wings after a successful game mode in Fortnite with two new islands. Both islands are made in UEFN and are free to play. LEGO Raft Survival gives you the fun of surviving through dangerous pirate raids while working with your crew mates to build a better raft. In LEGO Obby Fun, you get to experience the rush of parkour platformers in up to 300 unique levels.

How to Fish in LEGO Fortnite
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Fishing is a fun activity for survival games and LEGO Fortnite has added it in the V28.30 update. To start fishing you will need a Fishing Rod and a body of water. Craft it from the crafting bench and go fishing. You can also make Bait Buckets to attract fish easily using Juicer and Food processor.

How to Make Hunting Dagger in LEGO Fortnite
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Looking to upgrade your weapons arsenal in LEGO Fortnite? Learn how to craft the new Hunting Dagger in this guide. The Hunting Dagger deals up to 5 damage and can deal critical damage when you stab enemies from the back.

How to Make a Launch Pad in LEGO Fortnite
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LEGO Fortnite allows you to be as crafty as possible with a lot of building materials. However, some builds are there to get you better survival advantage. One such tool is the Launch Pad. You can build a Launch Pad using 8 Flexwood, 4 Copper Bar, and 1 Silk Fabric. Once done, run towards it and jump on to launch yourself high.

How to Get Copper Bar in LEGO Fortnite
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Copper bars are an essential resource in LEGO Fortnite for upgrading weapons and crafting bench. You can find copper and brightcores in the lava caves of the Dry Valley (desert biome). Then, build a Metal Smelter to smelt the copper and brightcores into copper bars. You can also assign villagers to do the work for you, assigning them the smelt metal job.

7 Things Minecraft Can Learn from LEGO Fortnite
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Unlike Minecraft, LEGO Fortnite has pretty clear quests that let players know what the game is about. Moreover, the villagers make it so much easier to collect resources. They can also fight with you, so that makes them fairly useful companions. Due to the temperature feature in LEGO Fortnite, you always have to prepare for a certain area. The buildings are not just for aesthetic, but make a difference in gameplay. Food items are far more unique and provide various effects. Combat offers more moves and abilities, making it overall much more fun than it is in Minecraft.

How to Make a Boat in LEGO Fortnite
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In Lego Fortnite, you can create yourself a raft-like boat to cross the water, and sail the seas. The only downside to that is you cannot turn the boat around properly. In order to create a boat, you'll require two dynamic foundations, few propellers, and switch and a few more tools.

Does LEGO Fortnite Give XP and Battle Pass Levels?
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While LEGO Fortnite only has three quest lines that provides you with 240,000 XP in total, you can easily earn passive XP from just playing the game. Currently, LEGO Fortnite provides you with 30,000 XP every 15 minutes. There is a daily cap, which means once you reach 420,000 XP, you won't gain XP points anymore.

How to Get Cursed Bone in LEGO Fortnite
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One of the most important resources in LEGO Fortnite is cursed bone. The cursed bone (epic rarity) will help you craft powerful charms like Regeneration Charm and the Charm of Resilience. Find bone wolf (cursed wolf) in Frostland caves. Keep yourself warm in the cold caves using chilli peppers, burgers, or inner fire charm. Fight the bone wolf with a crossbow while maintaining a distance to get cursed bone.

How to Get Blast Core in LEGO Fortnite
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In LEGO Fortnite, blast core is an essential resource to build or craft advanced tools. To get blast core, you will need to find the lava caves in the Dry Valley and defeat blasters found inside. You can dodge the blaster's blast attack to let them defeat themselves. Make sure you take some heat resistance item before entering the lava caves. Once you defeat the blasters, you will get your hands on the blast cores.

5 Reasons Why LEGO Fortnite Villagers Are the Game’s Life!
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I have played LEGO Fortnite for 40+ hours and there's one thing I love about this game - the villagers. I never found anything similar in other survival games. The villagers in LEGO Fortnite is one the best thing to happen in any survival game. They help you out with all kinds of jobs and make you feel less lonely when you are playing in single-player mode. You can dance and chat with them while waiting for more content updates around them coming in future.

All LEGO Fortnite Villagers and Their Special Skills
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Villagers are one of the best features of LEGO Fortnite. You can recruit or remove them any time you want. However, there are plenty of different villagers in the game that you can make your companion. Depending on their rarity and skill, they will provide you with resources and combat support. Learn where you can find common, uncommon, rare, and epic villagers in LEGO Fortnite in this list.

How to Make Someone a Keyholder in LEGO Fortnite
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Keyholders in LEGO Fortnite can explore and check your island even when you are not online. You can make a party member a keyholder by sharing a key with them under the "Players" tab. However, you only have a limited number of keys (7 to be exact) to share with other users, so be mindful when sharing access. You can head back to the Players to remove access to a key and reassign to someone else.

Where to Get Blast Powder in LEGO Fortnite
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The Blast Powder in LEGO Fortnite is explosive in nature and hence is used to craft items like Dynamite and the Grappler. To get your hands on some, head on over to the Shore or Desert biomes and fight Pirate Mobs or Brawlers to get them to drop it. Another way to get some blast powder is to find caves and search for it in chests. However, this way can be tiresome as loot will be randomized in nature.

How to Get Wolf Claws in LEGO Fortnite
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LEGO Fortnite lets you upgrade your weapons and tools using wolf claws. You can find wolf claws, sand claws, and arctic claws in the game. To obtain them, you will have to find wild wolf, sand wolf, or frost wolf and defeat them. You can also find wolf claws inside treasure chests on rare occasions. Use a knight shield to block the wolf attack or distract them by luring them into friendly animals. A distracted wolf will be easier to kill in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Frostpine in LEGO Fortnite
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Frostpine is a key resource for your advanced-game progress in LEGO Fortnite. You will need to find frostpine trees in the frostland area (winter biome) and break it to get frostpine. To gather frostpine, you will need the epic forest axe. The epic forest axe is made out of 3 copper Bars and 3 knotroot rods. As for what you need frostpine for, well, it will enable you to create advanced buildings and make the epic pickaxe.

How to Get Knotroot Rods in LEGO Fortnite
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Knotroot rod is a resource you can only get from knotroots in LEGO Fortnite. They help you craft new weapons and tools. Knotroot rod also allow you upgrade the village or build utilities like the Grain mill. You can find knotroot in the cave and make the knotroot rod in the Lumber mill. You can also assign villagers to get knotroot rod by assigning them a job.

How to Get Copper in LEGO Fortnite
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To upgrade your tools in LEGO Fortnite, copper is a key component. You can find it in the lava caves of the Dry Valley. You will need the rare pickaxe to mine the copper ores. Upgrade your crafting bench to level 3 (rare) to unlock the rare pickaxe. Use 3x Sand Claw and 3x Flexwood Rods to craft a rare pickaxe. Copper can be useful to get metal smelter, copper bars, or upgrading weapons and tools.

How to Get Brightcore in LEGO Fortnite
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Brightcore is an in-game resource in LEGO Fortnite that allows you to unlock several advanced recipes. You can find the brightcore ores in the lava caves of the Dry Valley (desert biome). Build yourself a rare pickaxe using 3 sand claw and 3 flexwood rods to mine brightcore in LEGO Fortnite. You will unlock recipes for metal smelter, copper bar, and other decorative lights once you get brightcore.

How to Get Cheese in LEGO Fortnite
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We discover the only way by which you can obtain cheese in Lego Fortnite, and that is from chests strewn across the map. You cannot craft cheese from scratch. Additionally, cheese is one of the best resources in-game, as it not only replenishes 6 hearts but is also used in the Pizza cooking recipe.

LEGO Fortnite: All Food Items and Cooking Recipes
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Eating is essential part of survival in LEGO Fortnite, and there are so many type of food available in the game. You can collect raw food and consume them right away. You can also build grills, ovens, and juicers to make rare food using their cooking recipes. Different food give you different benefits such as HP recovery, hunger recover, cold resistance, stamina regeneration, and warmth resistance. You can also find some rare food items in LEGO Fortnite chests around the map.

How to Fly in LEGO Fortnite
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If you ever wanted to soar the wind and fly around in LEGO Fortnite, the game does allow you to do so but not in the most traditional way. If you are in the sandbox mode, you can fly by double-tapping the jump button on your PC or console. However, if you are in survival mode, you have to create your own plane (or balloon platform) to fly around.

How to Build a Farm in LEGO Fortnite
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To create a farm in LEGO Fortnite, you need to collect two soils using a shovel, and fertilizer from animals. This will allow you to create a garden plot. Once that is done, place your seeds that you collected from chests or by processing materials in grain mill into the garden plot and let it stay for a while.

How to Survive Hot and Cold Temperatures in LEGO Fortnite
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Survival is the ultimate goal in LEGO Fortnite and extreme temperature is another enemy you need to deal with. Staying for long in an extreme cold or hot temperature deals damage. You can resist cold temperature with a campfire, torch, spicy pepper, spicy burger, or inner fire charm. To resist heat, you can use snowberry, snowberry shake, or a cool-headed charm.

9 Best LEGO Fortnite Seeds (2025)
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Struggling to find the best world spawn in LEGO Fortnite? In this guide, we have compiled the best seeds from LEGO Fortnite that you will love to play in. We've mentioned why we have selected these seeds and how it will benefit your progress in the game. You can also learn how to use these seed numbers in the game to start your new world.

How Long Is a Day and Night Cycle in LEGO Fortnite?
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In LEGO Fortnite, the entire day and night cycle is completed in a total of thirty minutes. What this means it that daytime lasts for fifteen minutes and night lasts for another fifteen minutes. Furthermore, if you wanted to skip a particular time, you can't do so. This also means you cannot skip time by sleeping in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Rough Amber in LEGO Fortnite
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To upgrade yourself in LEGO Fortnite in the mid-game phase of the game, rough amber is a key component. You can find them in the dry valley mountain walls and floors. You will need uncommon pickaxe to destroy the rough amber ores to grab the rough amber. Upgrade your crafting bench to level 2 to unlock the uncommon pickaxe recipe. Use 3 knotroot rods and 3 bones to craft an uncommon pickaxe. Rough amber can be useful to upgrade your village, creating cut amber, crafting charms, or upgrading weapons and tools.

How to Get Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite
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Flexwood logs are a key resource for your mid-game progress in LEGO Fortnite. You will need to find cacti in the dry valley area (desert biome) of LEGO Fortnite and break it to get flexwood. To gather the flexwood, you will need the rare forest axe. The uncommon forest axe is made out of 5 cut amber and 3 knotroot rods. As for what you need flexwood for, well, it will enable you to upgrade your village and make high-damage weapons.

How to Get Cut Amber in LEGO Fortnite
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Cut ambers are an essential resource in LEGO Fortnite for crafting tools like essence table and totems. You can find rough ambers in dry valley (desert biome) and build a Gem Cutter to refine them into cut ambers. Once you've crafted a Gem Cutter, you can input rough amber and make cut amber with ease. You can also assign villagers to do the work for you, assigning them the gem collection job.

How to Get Fertilizer in LEGO Fortnite
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In LEGO Fortnite, you can get fertilizer to build pots for planting seeds and building your farm. There are three ways to get fertilizer. The best way is to pet friendly animals, who will regularly give you fertilizer. You can also feed them food to boost fertilizer production. Then, secondly, you can also look for treasure chests and llamas to find more fertilizers. If you do not want to waste time, you can assign a villager the job of finding fertilizer for you. The villagers will give you fertilizer once their job is done.

How to Make a Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite
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Medium chests help you store up to 16 items in LEGO Fortnite. You will need to find knotroot and marble in caves to make a medium chest. Once you find these resources, you will need to make marble slabs. Then, with 8 knotroot and 6 marble slabs in your inventory, you can craft a medium chest in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Wool in Lego Fortnite
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LEGO Fortnite includes common and heavy wool in the game. You can find sheep in the grasslands and pet them to get common wool. To obtain the heavy wools, find the rams in winter biome and pet them. The wool and heavy wool let you make wool threads. These threads can be used to craft rare and epic charms or totems. Charms and Totems allow you to have a bigger health bar and survive extreme cold or hot conditions in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Shells in LEGO Fortnite
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LEGO Fortnite lets you increase your health bar and weather tolerance by crafting charms using shells. You can find stone shell, sand shell, and frost shell in the game. To get them, you will have to find stone roller, sand roller, or frost roller and defeat them. You can also find shells inside treasure chest on rare occasions. Use a knight shield to block the rolling attack and stun rollers before attacking them back. You can also lure the rollers in the water for an instant kill in LEGO Fortnite.

A Complete List of Animals and Creatures in LEGO Fortnite
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For many of the different resources in LEGO Fortnite, you will need to rely on friendly animals or hostile creatures. You can pet friendly animals like cows, chickens, or sheep for some resources like milk, wool, and eggs. Whereas killing the hostile creatures like wolf, roller, or blaster will get you valuable resources such as meat, shell, or blast core. The rarity of a creature defines the rarity of resources it will drop upon death.

How to Get Marble Slab in LEGO Fortnite
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Marble slabs are an essential resource in LEGO Fortnite for crafting tools like medium chests and juicers. You can find marbles in caves and build a stone breaker using 20 knotroot and 35 marble. Once you've crafted a Stone Breaker, you can input marble and craft marble slabs with ease. You can also assign villagers to do the work for you, assigning them the refine stone job.

How to Get Marble in LEGO Fortnite
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To upgrade yourself in LEGO Fortnite in the initial phase of the game, marble is a key component. You can find them in cave walls, floors and ceilings. You will need uncommon pickaxe to destroy the marble stones to grab the marbles. Upgrade your crafting bench to level 2 to unlock the uncommon pickaxe recipe. Use 3 knotroot rods and 3 bones to craft an uncommon pickaxe. Marble can be useful to upgrade your village, creating Marble Slabs, crafting chest, or upgrading weapons and tools.

All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them
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LEGO Fortnite weapons can be useful through your adventure once you start crafting them. You can find common, uncommon, rare, and epic variety of weapons in the game. To craft the weapons, you need an upgraded crafting bench and the required ingredients. You will find all the details, including the damage and crafting recipes of the weapons, in this guide.

How to Recruit and Remove Villagers in LEGO Fortnite
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Villagers are a crucial part of your LEGO Fortnite journey. They help you with exploration, unlock recipes, crafting or upgrading the village. You can build a village square using 10 wood and 10 granite to get new villagers coming in your village. Building a bed will allow you to recruit a villager. If you want to remove a villager from your village in LEGO Fortnite, break their assigned bed or ask them to leave from the village square options.

How to Fix LEGO Fortnite Matchmaking Error
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LEGO Fortnite is on the rise and its popularity is unmatchable right now. However, the fun ride is not beginning for many players thanks to a pesky matchmaking error. This error is caused by an internal server issue from Fortnite's side and they have promised a fix. For now you can try changing your game modes or restarting Fortnite and Epic launcher and see if the matchmaking error in LEGO Fortnite fixes itself.