
Just a wallflower with a pen :)

Masterpost of Fics


Olive Branch - Itasaku, ongoing. (Successful Coup AU)

After failing to prevent the coup d'état seventeen years ago, Itachi has not given up on his dream of peace. The opportunity resurges to ensure stability within the leaf village, and this time, he will not fail.

Alice in Borderland

There are three fics in total, all completed and all Chishiya x OC/Reader :)

They are written in first person, with no name given to the main character, so they can be read as a reader insert or as a separate character. 

UPDATE: If reading any of my AIB fics or requests, please use the links to AO3 featured below as they were re-read and proofed, and I have had issues with links to tumblr posts not working. 

1) And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin

2) An Iron Box

3) The Oar in the Sand

Treasure Chest (User requests/one-shots/extra scenes)

Fic synopsis/blurbs are below the keep reading tab. 

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Anonymous asked:

Would you make the oar in the sand fic in chishiya's pov ? I liked the fic you wrote in his pov so much than I thought I would.

And what about their relationship.? do you think you would write? no pressure thoo! I loved the fics so much.

Hi. I’ve been asked a few times recently by new readers who are getting back into AIB or discovering it now that S3 is due to be released, but the biggest answer I can give is that I genuinely don’t know.

I tend to get obsessed with things for a short period of time, and once that period is gone, it’s hard for me to keep remaining interested in it. If I were to write a continuation now, I wouldn’t be able to do it justice because as much as I love the series, I can’t recapture the same level of Inspiration I had when AIB was first released.

I don’t want to write anything terrible, or lose motivation and end up with an incomplete story. So that’s kind of my answer, even if it’s not the answer everyone wants - I just genuinely don’t know, unfortunately 🫤

rubyfireset asked:

Hi there, hope you're doing well and the beginning of spring treats you more warmly, than me :) Like many fans who have been waiting for season 3, I was immensely excited with the released trailer, even if it only raised more questions about a possible plot and intriguing new characters, alongside with the fate of already familiar ones. So I'd really like to hear your thoughts on it, if that’s okay.

Hi! Call me pessimistic but it still feels like winter where I live 😅 So far I’m not sure whether to feel excited. I don’t want to get my hopes up because even though I’d love a continuation of AIB, the series was meant to end where it was. I can’t help but wonder if the writing will be up to par. Not to mention, I hope they bring back more of the original cast since there are other characters I preferred over Arisu and Usagi. I don’t know. I feel I’d rather have a spin off about their lives after the borderlands and how it affected them rather than have a series with more of the same just shoehorned in.

swaggawg asked:

Hey, hi, literally 2 weeks ago I looked at Alice in the Borderland, and later in the ficbook I came across your work, but translated into Russian, it was the best thing I've read, but the translator did not translate the last 2 chapters of the iron box, I was very upset and decided to learn more about you and your other works in ao3, it was my best decision, I also read the chest of the speeders and I loved your type of writing, I would like to know if I could ever hope for the continuation of the iron box? I love the work of AWIAFSOAP, but most of all I liked how you perfectly painted the iron box from the point of view and view of the world of Chishia, I fell in love, announced season 3 of aib, I will be very glad if you answer, and I would also like to know if your other social networks are allowed? Instagram or tik tok, I just want to follow such a cool cool personXD

And I apologize in advance for some mistakes in this text, I don't know English well and write through a translator🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hi! Thanks for your message! It’s a shame the last two chapters never got translated. If only I knew Russian, I’d translate them for you. Also, please don’t worry about mistakes! I use Google translate for replying to comments and sometimes it’s terrible, so I understand.

I didn’t continue An Iron Box simply because I didn’t think I would finish it. By that point in time, I was moving on from my AIB obsession, and I didn’t want to start anything that I couldn’t properly finish. It wouldn’t be fair on anyone reading, because I know how frustrating it can be. I’m the kind of person who is obsessed with something for a short amount of time, but I find it hard to maintain that.

As for social media, I only have my personal accounts, and I tend to keep it private because it’s just what’s comfortable for me, if that makes sense? I only really use social media for close friends and family, and they’re not really accounts linked to any writing. I’m sorry, I know that’s not the answer everyone wants to hear, but I hope that’s okay 💕

Anonymous asked:

I just re-read An Iron Box, the way you write Chishiya is truly amazing! You are one of the only writers who I find really understands his character and how he acts.

Anyways just wanted to say how much I appreciate and love your work!

Hi anon! Thank you, he’s a tough one to get into the mind of especially when you’re writing romance. I think I got sick of reading out of character povs from him haha. But I’m glad I seem to have done his character some justice!

Thank you for reading it and for the support 💕✨ have more writing for him and MC planned (and part written) but I’m not sure whether to wait for season 3 first because there may be elements of it that I want to include - it’s a tough choice!

sephirothsplaything asked:

I just wanna say I revisited and when I am formulated series and I forgot how good it was I literally saved them to my kindle<3

Hi :)

Thank you! I reread them myself and it made me so nostalgic for the times when the AIB fandom was still basking in seasons 1-2. I’m just hoping season 3 isn’t a total letdown…


Anonymous asked:

Hello, author, I read your Chishiya stories and I liked them all, very much, your writing is perfect and I would like to ask you if there will be a version from Chishiya's point of view in the second season, if it doesn't bother you I loved your writing and thank you

It’s been nearly a year since you asked this anon, and I’m so sorry. I’ve been inactive and pretty much silent. I reread my own fics recently and I’m horrified by how many typos, unnecessary commas and convoluted sentences I found haha.

Though there is a third season in production.

I’m toying with the idea of continuing the AWAIF series in some way… just an idea.


horrornerd asked:

I'm not sure if you take requests atm, so if you don't, ignore this. I found you through ao3 and i loved your fic lol.

could you write a little something about chishiya with an s/o (or love interest) that is the literal embodiment of sunshine? pretty rare in the borderlands, considering yk, everything, but tbh i love the opposites attract trope and id love to see chishiya written being in love with someone that's terribly sweet

Hi :)

Thank you for reading my fic, I do miss writing it. I’m not taking requests at the moment unfortunately. However, I did write a one-shot a while back that’s along the lines of your request. I don’t know if you’ve read it, but it’s called Americano.

On AO3 it’s under the collection “Treasure Chest”. It’s where he meets a love interest pre-borderlands in medical school and she wins him over with her bright colours.

I’ve attached the webpage here:

kurial asked:


Just dropping in to say, your fanfic of AIB is imho the best I've read. The quality of writing was as good as any published book and your storytelling skills are amazing as well.

I also related to your OC A LOT. From her thought process to her actions. If I were ever in similar situations I would probably have reacted in much of the same way.

Which makes me curious. What would you say is your OC's (or even yours since I guess her personality is an extension of your own) MBTI? Is she (you) an INFJ? Because I see so much of myself in her it's practically scary 😂

Hi there :)

I’m sorry that I’m answering this so late. I’ve basically come out of hibernation after rewatching S1 of AIB and I’ve kind of neglected this inbox.

Honestly, even though she’s an extension of me in a lot of ways, with her being part of my imagination, I don’t see OC/MC as having the exact same personality as myself so it’s a tough question.

Last time I took the Myer Briggs test it told me I was an INTJ (although I’m not sure that’s quite accurate since personality quizzes should always be taken with a pinch of salt.)

She’s a lot more heroic than I am, and a lot more in touch with her emotions, whereas I tend to be quite methodical about things and pretty good at hiding how I feel. I think she’s a lot more likely to be an INFJ simply for her emotional side and her compassion.

Anonymous asked:

are you ever going to write for chishiya again? not like ur series just maybe requests/one shots?

In truth, I’m not sure. Probably not. I rarely have much time to write much nowadays. Though I suppose it depends if season three of AIB inspires me (if there really is a season three).

Besides, I have a different fic in another fandom that I’m struggling to find time to work on, so that fic would always take priority.

Sorry, I know this probably wasn’t the answer everyone wanted :(

histekia asked:

Netflix just confirmed (for real no fake this time) Alice in Borderland Season 3!!!

I saw! I have mixed feelings about it though. I’m excited that there will be more, but at the same time, the changes they made from the manga in season 2 weren’t exactly great, so I have some doubts about the writers