Tag: usa
Why I Don’t Like Tipping In USA Anymore
After spending the last few years traveling across Asia and Central America, I’ve made a number of…
Why New York and California Made Life Undesirable During The Pandemic
I think I finally figured out why New York and California wanted to make life there undesirable…
America Is Not Racist (Proof)
If you agree that the actions of a minority should not define the majority, then you’ll agree…
My Worst First Date
I went on a nightmare first date in 2018. I was leaving LAX for NYC and I…
Hey Biden Voters…Where Is Your Outrage?
Hey Biden voters. Remember the pictures of kids in cages during the Trump administration? Turns out those…
Why Democrats Are Threatened By Florida
God bless Florida. God bless governor DeSantis. You may have read recently that President Biden’s administration is…
St. Augustine – One Of Florida’s Most Beautiful Cities!
For those of you considering a trip to Florida, put St. Augustine high on your list, especially…

An Uber Eats Customer Asked Me To Deliver Coffee To A Hospital During Coronavirus Pandemic
I am absolutely disgusted right now. And I’m angry. On behalf of all delivery drivers everywhere, I…
Why I Left New York City And Never Looked Back
Trust me when I say this (talking directly to the native New Yorkers who are proud of…
What Americans Stop and Start Doing Once They’re In Thailand
Are you thinking about moving to Thailand from USA? As a native New Yorker (who also lived…
We Will Never Forget
9/11/01 I had just started freshman year of college and my mom encouraged me to take golf…
Crossing the San Ysidro Border from San Diego to Tijuana
I recently crossed the San Ysidro border by foot. A few things I experienced : 1)…
The Craziest Party Streets I’ve Been To In The World!!!
These are the craziest party STREETS I’ve been to in the world! You will NOT find the…
Don’t Be Afraid of Change (I’m Moving to Thailand)
When I tell people I’m moving to Thailand the first reaction I get is a double-take and…
My New York City Experience with Roomors Living (Review)
New York City – the “Capital of the World.” As a native New Yorker, I know how…