The Masculine and Feminine Crisis Explained

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After spending an afternoon of quiet over a Southern Louisiana bayou, I came home and watched a short video clip of Bill Maher’s show Real Time with Bill Maher, and the caption was Why Are Men in Crisis. After listening to the clip that was all of five minutes long, there was the strong reinforcing notion of our being at quite a unique period in our human history where–with heightened perspective–we are capable of peering into, capturing and reconciling aspects of our world’s past and present within a few search clicks. Stated another way, we can put the puzzle of our world together–digitally–and stand back far enough to see ‘how’ things are connected. This will make more sense shortly.

From economic and educational disparities between men and women sounding like a “Selection of the fittest” philosophy to the role the internet itself plays, Bill and his guests covered a spectrum that should have been the entire show. But what does that mean, and why was I compelled to write about it and share it?

…For the spiritual perspective.

All is Spirit, and this particular perspective may suggest a number of things that may implicate us all. Primarily, where we find ourselves today is within the macrocosm that is the patriarchal design. Not even 50 years ago but for much longer than that, men made women subservient, weaker, called them less than, and incapable. Women could only work jobs “designed” for women. Abuse of women and the diminishing of the #FemininePrinciple was so commonplace, that it was acceptable for actresses’ characters to be slap-reprimanded on television programs. Granted they slapped back. But what was all this negative and dysfunctional characterization about? Art imitates life. What was the essence of this 2nd class citizenship to which they were relegated for over 60 years? This would obviously culminate into frustration. We’re talking years of punishment, hurt and under appreciation. This would eventually become anger, and as Mr. Nancy from #AmericanGods states, “Angry gets shit done.” 

Now we live in an age and era of men using various social media platforms to promulgate the same patriarchal ideologies of the 1950’s relegating women back into the place from where they’ve come and based on how our lady contemporaries are responding to these assaults on femininity online and elsewhere, many of them are making it clear that they are not having any part of retarding to the 1950’s and before.


I’m now going to be what I’ll call ‘spiritually honest’, so let’s be spiritually honest about what going on.

For years invested in misogyny and the myriad of abuses and degradations experienced at the hands and hearts of men possessing little to no emotional intelligence…

For years invested in locking down, marginalizing and forcing women out of what could have been a natural element—of which [we] never rightfully understood it for it to be properly appreciated…

For the love we didn’t openly receive and couldn’t return, because we either refused or didn’t know how to receive; For egoisms…

For what she’s become, you are now looking at yourself. Your creation. Your manifestation. The fruit of your seed of thought and emotion.

…and many of men are still hating what it is they see in women, because it is ‘you’ in the mirror as you look at her. You’re looking at yourself! Ain’t that something?

Matters not how truthful we are, the patriarchy—what it symbolizes and represents—was and remains a white Eurocentric masculine ideology and the more truthful we are about it, the more prepared we become to stand in its presence, repent and restore the SacredMasculine to its proper place.

So, the Law of Correspondence is the pendulum swing doing what it is scientifically/cosmically/spiritually designed to do, and there is no subverting it. We are experiencing the effects of the laws when they’re recognized. You may be asking what the The Law of Correspondence is. Aptly put, it is one of 12 Universal Laws that states whatever your mental and emotional states are toward an objective, it will assist in you in bring that objective into material world. The inner world becomes the outer expression and experience. We are creating our world based on how we are both thinking and feeling about ourselves and the world of outer experiences. Having said this–and this would be a good place to conclude–we [both men and women alike] would do well to investigate and explore the origin of this pathology within the context of Universal Law if we wish to gain any ground to establish the cosmic link between us. I cannot say ‘re-establish’ as this is a journey in evolution, we can be honest with ourselves here and say we’ve not collectively established it yet, but we are on our way. Yeah. …and I think this is my way of contributing some to that end. Love and Light friends! #KarmicResonance #AsWithinSoWithout #GiveAndItShallBeGiven #ReapWhatYouSow #DivineFemininePrinciple

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