3. Consent Agenda: (all items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and not requiring separate discussion or vote and may be considered on a single motion; however, at the request of any Commissioner, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted on separately): a. Consider approval of minutes of December 16, 2019. b. Personnel/Budget Amendments c. Claims i. Accounts Payable ii. Payroll iii. Restitution iv. Juror Pay d. Receive for filing with the County Clerk, Certificate of Continuing Education of completion from Bell County Tax Assessor Collector Shay Luedeke. Pursuant to SB 546 (Section 6.231d of the Texas Property Tax Code. Bell County Commissioners Court, Regular Meeting Agenda, January 6, 2020 e. 23Consider award of IFB# 17-20 – Backhoe/Loader to the lowest bidder, RDO Equipment in the amount of $86,750.00 for the Road & Bridge Department. f. Consider award of IFB# 18-20 – Diesel Agricultural Tractor to the lowest bidder, Coufal Prater dba United AG Turf in the amount of $47,322.86 for the Road & Bridge Department. g. 4Consider approval of Final Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2019.
County Engineer: a. 5Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Three Creeks Phase IIA” 0.213-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Belton ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 1. b. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Florence Hills Estates 2nd Amendment” 7.87-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Killeen ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 4. c. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Mak Addition” 1.020-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Temple ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 1. d. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Whitetail Ridge” 640.52 -acre, 50 lots, 1 block, subdivision located within, Bell County, Precinct 4.
Consider approval of Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives to represent Bell County in transactions with the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool/TexPool Prime), Gina Sinclair replacing Arvilla Wolfe.
Consider authorizing the County Judge to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with multiple entities relating to a Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant application with the State of Texas for improvements to SH9, Tank Destroyer Blvd, and Old Georgetown Road on the west side of Ft. Hood in the amount of $23,215.
3. Consent Agenda: (all items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and not requiring separate discussion or vote and may be considered on a single motion; however, at the request of any Commissioner, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted on separately): a. Consider approval of minutes of December 16, 2019. b. Personnel/Budget Amendments c. Claims i. Accounts Payable ii. Payroll iii. Restitution iv. Juror Pay d. Receive for filing with the County Clerk, Certificate of Continuing Education of completion from Bell County Tax Assessor Collector Shay Luedeke. Pursuant to SB 546 (Section 6.231d of the Texas Property Tax Code. Bell County Commissioners Court, Regular Meeting Agenda, January 6, 2020 e. 23Consider award of IFB# 17-20 – Backhoe/Loader to the lowest bidder, RDO Equipment in the amount of $86,750.00 for the Road & Bridge Department. f. Consider award of IFB# 18-20 – Diesel Agricultural Tractor to the lowest bidder, Coufal Prater dba United AG Turf in the amount of $47,322.86 for the Road & Bridge Department. g. 4Consider approval of Final Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2019.
County Engineer: a. 5Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Three Creeks Phase IIA” 0.213-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Belton ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 1. b. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Florence Hills Estates 2nd Amendment” 7.87-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Killeen ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 4. c. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Mak Addition” 1.020-acre, 1 lot, 1 block, subdivision located within the City of Temple ETJ, Bell County, Precinct 1. d. Consider the Final Plat Approval of the “Whitetail Ridge” 640.52 -acre, 50 lots, 1 block, subdivision located within, Bell County, Precinct 4.
Consider approval of Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives to represent Bell County in transactions with the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool/TexPool Prime), Gina Sinclair replacing Arvilla Wolfe.
Consider authorizing the County Judge to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with multiple entities relating to a Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant application with the State of Texas for improvements to SH9, Tank Destroyer Blvd, and Old Georgetown Road on the west side of Ft. Hood in the amount of $23,215.