PLP Launches 2025 Campaign Advert
The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] has launched its first campaign advert of the 2025 election season, titled ‘A Fairer Bermuda for Us.’
A spokesperson said, “The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] has launched its first campaign advert of the 2025 election season, setting the stage for a vision of a fairer Bermuda. The ad underscores the challenges facing the entire world and Bermudians in particular while highlighting the PLP’s accomplishments and plans to continue building a more equitable future.
“Titled ‘A Fairer Bermuda for Us,’ the advert takes a candid look at the global and local crises affecting everyday Bermudians, including inflation, crime, and the pressures of a colonial legacy that built an unequal economic system. While acknowledging that no government can solve every problem, the PLP reaffirms its commitment to delivering meaningful change that makes Bermuda more fair.
“It explains how the PLP is building that fairer Bermuda and putting more money in your pocket. The PLP:
- Increased senior pensions six times, ensuring more financial security for older Bermudians.
- Reduced taxes for 86% of Bermudians, while requiring the wealthiest to contribute their fair share.
- Introduced Bermuda’s first minimum wage, laying the foundation for fair pay.
- Raised the childcare allowance, supporting working parents in managing family expenses.
- Upgraded CCTV, bolstering community safety.
- Opened over 70 affordable homes and helped over 30 young families buy their first home, making housing more accessible.
“Looking ahead, the PLP is pressing forward with our mission to make life fairer for all Bermudians. Plans include:
- Expanding access to mental health and addiction counselling.
- Increasing the availability of affordable homes.
- Establishing a senior daycare facility.
- Helping families access more affordable groceries.
“The advert draws a sharp contrast between the Progressive Labour Party and the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA]. ‘The OBA is for the privileged,’ it concludes. ‘The PLP are working for a fairer Bermuda for us.’”
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This is the best the PLP can come up with since 1998? No wonder Bermuda is in the shambolic state it’s in, financial, environmental, educational, infrastructure. They are the status quo, and have been for decades.
On the same day the Bermuda Police service warn us of ongoing scams, where we can be personally duped, the PLP put out propaganda where our personal pockets have been damaged and our future costs continue to rise.
86% of Bermudians pay less payroll tax is a lie. 86% of all Bermudians…. maybe if you include the retired, left the country who are no longer paying payroll tax and the children who never paid payroll tax.
Upgraded CCTV, bolstering community safety……. So is it or is it not operational?, how much did it cost the voter to install ????? How about all these shootings ? there were 46 arrests over the holidays, none were attributed to any new CCTV system.
Pensioners may have had increases in pensions, but that has to be paid for by everyone else, also that increase was lost by increases in cost of food, rents, and repair bills from damage to vehicles.
Dig the Propaganda !
When the LABOR Government talks a bout fair today what was it back then ?
Do not tell us what you have done! Tell us what you intend to do for a fairer Bermuda .
Has Bermuda lost its way?
We do not have to tell our leaders that for the past four year and more we have been living on a tax and spend system the latest big spend is the three story Bermudiana Beach with kitchenetts and the Court House a people processing building.
We are people and are not ROBOTS ! may i ask where are our Goverment leading us .
Can’t tax the rich they have left the island .
B.T.W. Our responsible Goverment consistes of both parties.
I would not be wrong to say the the public have had enough when cold cash trickles out of our door and when lack of income further trickles down to hardship.
It is a known fact that 1% inflation is manageable not 10 % with two month notice in advance of the intended increase in insrance premiums to started the ball roling .
The minimum wage does no even feed the cat
The excuse will be loss visitors as numbers are not where they used to be, did we not see that coming.
We can not take the blame for that other than to pass that along the the higher power.
Many of our taxes are doubled up or an addition to the Import duty tax that being a double dip tax together with inflation only adds to the house hold burden.
May i ask what is this election going to cost us? give the bill to the incombant .
The Government has to earn its keep. taxation is the easy way out
Elections are no more than an application for a job.
We do not need 36 bosses .
Goverment picks them and we pay all 36 of them.
Can we expect this to fall on a deaf ears why not as that is contempt 101 when it comes to other issues including money.
These are some of the double dip taxes
ALL the begining starts with Import Duty
PAY ROL TAX ***** Income tax for the working class*****before they get to the food store.
BERMUDA has priced it self out of the market.
Can we blame the opposition for all of that .
IF you think the people are on edge you are not too far wrong.
“1% inflation is manageable not 10%”
That may be so, but our Government has consistently reported that our retail price inflation this year is 2.5% or less.
Indeed, our reported retail price inflation rate is less than that of the U.S., U.K., or Canada, the countries from which we import the vast majority of our retail goods.
Which means the government are liars. Joe Bloggs , you have to spell it out , don’t leave it for people to figure out for themselves,
It make no sense by making an accusation by calling out a lie unless that you make the correction and name the individual liar as there is a need to put an end to the practice of deceit.
Mis understanding or missing the point of view becomes human failings when
we ask ten people to give their opinion say about the changing weather for example and get ten diferent answers
“The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] has launched its first campaign advert of the 2025 election season”
I beg to differ. I have been seeing PLP election advertisements on YouTube since last year. They say that this election will be about a “fairer Bermuda” or whether “those who have always had it all” form the Government.
For my part, if I am forced to make Bermuda “fairer” I will either have to find some other place to live or declare bankruptcy.
TRIKLE DOWN. has now become TRICKLE OUT.
Allow me to give my impression of TRICKLE OUT .
Because there is hole in the bucket dear Liza dear Liza.
This exercise starts going back to what you voted for in the last election which included include both parties.
On late Friday, here you are, with your brown envelope, and when you are done if you are lucky all you find when finished up on monday with , is a bag of air.
Why accept the brown envelope in the first place as hypothetically it is full of pink sand.
Margin for error . 01%. How can you make a mistake with the numbers .
For this exercise let us take a drive to the Grocery Store in your car and see what you have paid out in progressive taxes to get there and be done.
You money goes away piece by piece or a little bit at a time to satisfy other peoples dreams ..
My mother ( why Mother because we are one big family ) told me look after the pennies the pounds will look after them selves.
When I was younger I had 3 jobs. Wife a new bride had two jobs. dont even think about having children .
PAC MAN Deoartment of statistics
1) Import duty on your car.
2) Licence on your car to T.C.D.
3) Gasoline tax + duty on oil. + Maintenance.
4 Duty on shoes an clothes ( Can not go bare foot wearing a towel and dark glasses.)
5) Duty on all the food you buy .
6) Sugar tax on 99.99% of the food because evert thing is deemed to be sweet, except on napkins and the like.
7) Pay roll tax for the working man that should been nunber 1)
if , you have a job in the tourist industry so where are you going to pass on all 6 of those taxes just $9.oo for a glass of Coca Cola on that you also paid duty
What is FAIR compared to what s not FAIR !
have our leaders lost touch with the people ?
Every thing should not stop at the top of the ladder, the sky is the limit.
If you can ! BUT I can’t not think of any one item that government has not found a way to charge out taxation on its people and spent most of the Tax Mone satisfying the interest and repayment on national debt.
Are we being kept in th dark on that expense?
i am not firing a torpedo at the building of thye Airport or our the court house what is done is done! .
The day will come when people will get of the plane get in a car / taxi. and drive away or you will pay your fines on line.
Taxation is the biggest expense that come out of our pay packet regardless of weather what is offered you need that or not.
What has happened is an expence having been created which the people have to pay for, are they the big income earners i doubt that , because it hurts the also their level .
ALL. THIS is what in impacts our income in coparison the the income of the mail girl whoes income is much reduced for ever hour of her 8 hour day she works , being the same eight our day of that of a back bencher ……… sorry i am sniping !.
One person has plenty and another does not. who do we blame for that as blame solves nothing !
is the mail girl’s job less important than the boss, I do not think so.
Then again we keep what we so.
let me debate the minimum wage in a nut sell.
Our politition could not or want to survive on the minimum wage .
is that fair.
Who do the polatitions think they are foolin with ?
To equate to equality which is doubt is not achievable in this day and age .
where does all the money come from I do notice any forward thinking or brain storming on that.
Canada get their from insurance.
Inflation hurts people at all the various levels in our economy .
Do you recall whe the word sustainable was on every persons lips that went out with the tide. .
Regarding the low income scale there are those people have to learn to go with out, not by their own choosing or mis fortune.
Go back to my part one of me having three jobs life was just as hard then as it is today WHY !
Have/they/ we created a country we can no longer afford to live in , i am not alone with that thing .
Every aday I hear about affordable housing, how can that be if we import every thing plus duty the number one idea which backfired.
Afordable food got kicked to the curb as described what it cost to walk out of a supermart see part one above . .
Taxing food is with out doubt is abhorant .
The mail girl and B.T.W. she is not the only one who will spent 100 % of her income on food
People have changes not by their own choosing to :-
” Me first, me second, and if there is any thing left over me again ”
Both parties including the independents are looking for votes which has now become a three way street i can not be the only one asking them tough questions .
We can not wait till next year to find if we voted for the best person.