Health-conscious people always look for that surefire way to feel physically and mentally better. But self-improvement takes time, and no panacea magically leads to immediate vitality. However, there is a simple solution to feeling great that is much more obvious than many of us realize: walking.

Walking Is Less Involved Than Other Forms of Cardio
Walking is a low-impact yet highly-effective method of cardio that contributes positively to weight loss, heart strength, and increased immune function. While other forms of cardio may be a lot more challenging — running puts added stress on the joints, and biking necessitates loads of equipment — walking can be done by people of all ages and at just about any location.

Walking For Just 15 Minutes Will Make an Impact
If you don’t have much time to commit to daily exercise, walking is an easy solution. People who walk for as little as 15 minutes daily see notable benefits such as less stress eating and cravings, which means a healthier diet overall. Additionally, studies show that women who walk for at least 20 minutes a day, five times a week, experience fewer sick days than those who exercise once a week or less.

Walking Helps Prevent Serious Illness
It’s hard to believe that something so simple as walking can profoundly impact the entire body, but that’s what makes this exercise so appealing. Walking five to six miles each week helps prevent arthritis from forming because the movement lubricates and strengthens joints and muscles. Walking can also reduce your risk of contracting medical issues such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and women who walked seven or more hours each week had a 14% lower risk of getting breast cancer.
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Walking Can Be a Social Activity
While the physical benefits of walking are reason enough to embrace the activity, it’s also a great way to feel better mentally. You can zone out, pop in headphones and catch up on new music or your favorite podcast that you may not otherwise have the time to do. Walking is also a great way to socialize with other like-minded and health-conscious members of your neighborhood, so keep your eyes peeled for local walking groups you can join.
Featured Image Credit: dusanpetkovic/ iStock
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