1 Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, to all God's people in union with Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and assistants:
3 Every time I remember you I thank my God,
4 and always do it with joy in every entreaty I make for all of you,
5 for your cooperation in spreading the good news, from the first day you heard it until now.
6 For I am certain of this very thing, that He who began the good work in you will go on until the day of Jesus Christ to complete it.
7 And I have a right to think this way about you, because I always have you in my heart, whether shut up in prison or out defending and vindicating the good news, for you are sharers with me of God's favor.
8 For God is my witness how I never stop yearning for all of you with the affection Christ Jesus inspires.
9 And it is my prayer that your love may overflow still more and more, directed by fuller knowledge and keener insight,
10 so that you may always approve the better things, and be men of transparent character and blameless life,
11 men that are abounding in the fruits of right-doing with the help of Jesus Christ, to the honor and praise of God.
12 Now I want you to rest assured, brothers, that those things which have befallen me have actually resulted in the progress of the good news;
13 in this way it has become well known throughout the Imperial Guard and to all the rest here that I am a prisoner in the service of Christ,
14 and that most of the Christian brothers have grown confident enough, because of my imprisonment, to dare to tell God's message without being afraid.
15 Some, indeed, are actually preaching Christ because they are moved by jealousy and partisanship, but others are doing so from the motive of good will;
16 the latter, indeed, are doing so from love to me, for they know that I am providentially put here to defend the good news;
17 the former are preaching Christ from the motive of rivalry, not in sincerity, supposing that this is making it harder for me to bear my imprisonment.
18 What difference then does it make? In one way or another, whether in pretense or in sincerity, Christ is being preached, and that is the thing that makes me glad; yes, more too, I will continue to be glad of it,
19 for I know that through your prayers and a bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my spiritual welfare,
20 in accordance with my eager expectation and hope that I shall never disgrace myself, but that now as always hitherto, by my all-conquering courage, whether by living or dying, Christ will be honored in me.
21 For to me living means Christ and dying brings gain.
22 But if to keep on living here means fruit from my labor, I cannot tell which to choose.
23 I am hesitating between two desires, for I long to depart and to be with Christ, for that is far, far better,
24 And yet for your sakes it is very necessary for me to stay on here.
25 Now since I am certain of this, I know that I shall stay on and stay by you all to promote the progress of your faith
26 which will result in your joy; so that, through union with Christ Jesus, you may have more than sufficient ground for boasting about me, through my being with you again.
27 Only you must practice living lives that are worthy of the good news, so that whether I come and see you or stay away, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, and that with one purpose you are continuing to cooperate in the fight for faith in the good news.
28 Never in the slightest degree be frightened by your opponents, for such fearlessness will be strong evidence to them of their impending destruction, but to you a sure sign, and that from God, of your salvation.
29 For it has been graciously granted to you for Christ's sake, not only to trust in Him but also to suffer for Him,
30 since you are having the same struggle that you once saw me have and which you hear that I am still having.