1 Confess ye to Jehovah, for he is good, for his mercy is forever.
2 Now shall Israel say that his mercy is forever.
3 The house of Aaron shall now say that his mercy is forever.
4 They fearing Jehovah shall now say that his mercy is forever.
5 Out of distress I called upon Jah: Jah answered me in an enlarging.
6 Jehovah for me, I will not fear what man shall do to me.
7 Jehovah for me in my help, and I shall look upon those hating me.
8 Good to trust in Jehovah rather than to trust in man.
9 Good to trust in Jehovah rather than to trust in nobles.
10 All nations surrounded me: in the name of Jehovah but I will cut them off.
11 They surrounded me; also they surrounded me: in the name of Jehovah but I will cut them of
12 They surrounded me as bees; they were quenched as the fire of thorns: in the name of Jehovah for I will destroy them.
13 Being thrust, I was thrust down to fall, and Jehovah helped me.
14 Jah my strength and music, and he will be to me for salvation.
15 A voice of rejoicing and salvation in the tents of the just the right hand of Jehovah did strength.
16 The right hand of Jehovah was exalted: the right hand of Jehovah did strength.
17 I shall not die, for I shall live and I shall recount the works of Jah.
18 Jah correcting, corrected me, and he gave me not to death.
19 Open to me, ye gates of justice: I will go into them, I will praise Jah.
20 This the gate to Jehovah, the just shall go into it
21 I will praise thee, for thou didst answer me, and thou wilt be to me for salvation.
22 The stone the builders refused will be for the head of the corner.
23 This was from Jehovah; he was wonderful in our eyes.
24 This the day Jehovah made, we will rejoice and be glad in it
25 Now, O Jehovah, save now: now O Jehovah, give now success.
26 Blessed he coming in the name of Jehovah: we blessed you from the house of Jehovah.
27 God is Jehovah, and he will shine to us: make ye fast the festival with interweavings, even to the horns of the altar.
28 Thou my God, and I will praise thee: my God, I will exalt thee.
29 Confess ye to Jehovah, for he is good; for his mercy is forever.