1 To David. Thou shalt not be angry at those doing evil, and thou shalt not envy those working iniquity.
2 For as grass hastening they shall be cut down, and as the greenness of grass they shall fall away.
3 Trust in Jehovah and do good; dwell in the land and be fed with faithfulness.
4 And delight thyself upon Jehovah, and he shall give to thee the petitions of thy heart
5 Roll thy way upon Jehovah, and trust upon him, and he will work.
6 And he brought forth as the light thy justice, and thy judgment as the noon.
7 Be silent to Jehovah and wait for him: thou shalt not be angry at him prospering his way, at the man doing wickednesses.
8 Desist from anger and forsake wrath: thou shalt not be angry only to do evil
9 For they doing evil shall be cut off: and they waiting for Jehovah they shall inherit the earth.
10 Yet a little, and no unjust one thou didst mark upon his place, and he was not
11 And the humble shall inherit the earth, and they delighted themselves for the multitude of peace.
12 The unjust one meditated against the just, and gnashed upon him with his teeth.
13 Jehovah shall laugh at him: for he saw that his day will come.
14 The unjust let loose the sword, and they bent their bow; they cast down the poor and needy, to slaughter the upright of way.
15 Their sword shall go into their heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16 A little to the just one is good more than the wealth of many unjust.
17 For the arms of the unjust shall be broken, and Jehovah upholds the just
18 Jehovah will know the days of the blameless, and their inheritance shall be forever.
19 They shall not be ashamed in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
20 For the unjust shall perish, and the enemies of Jehovah as the preciousness of lambs: they ended in smoke; they ended.
21 The unjust one borrowed and he will not repay: and the just one compassionated, and gave.
22 For they praising him shall inherit the earth, and they cursing him shall be cut off.
23 From Jehovah the steps of a man were prepared, and he will delight in his way.
24 If he shall fall he shall not be prostrated, for Jehovah will uphold his hand.
25 I was a youth, also I grew old, and I saw not the just one forsaken and his seed seeking bread.
26 All the day he compassionates and lends; and his seed to be blessed.
27 Depart from evil and do good, and dwell forever.
28 For Jehovah love's judgment, and he will not forsake his godly ones; forever they were watched, and the seed of the unjust was cut off.
29 The just shall inherit the earth, and they shall dwell upon it forever.
30 The mouth of the just one shall speak wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgment
31 The law of his God is in his heart, and his goings shall not waver.
32 The unjust watches for the just, and seeks to kill him,
33 Jehovah will not leave him in his Land, and he will not condemn him in his being judged.
34 Wait for Jehovah and watch his way, and be will exalt thee to inherit the earth: in the cutting off the unjust thou shalt see.
35 I saw the unjust one making afraid, and spreading abroad as a green native tree.
36 And he shall pass away, and behold, he is not: and I shall seek him and he was not found.
37 Watch the blameless, and see the upright one, for the latter state to the man peace.
38 And they transgressing were destroyed together: the latter state of the unjust was cut of
39 And the salvation of the just is from Jehovah: their strength in time of straits.
40 And Jehovah shall help them, and he will deliver them: he will deliver them from the unjust, and he will save them, for they trusted in him.