1 Save me from my enemies, my God! Keep me safe from those who rise up against me.
2 Save me from those who practice evil; deliver me from bloodthirsty men.
3 Look, they lie in ambush for my life; these violent men gather together against me, but not because of any transgression or sin of mine, LORD.
4 Without any fault on my part, they rush together and prepare themselves. Get up! Come help me! Pay attention!
5 You, LORD God of the Heavenly Armies, God of Israel, stir yourself up to punish all the nations. Show no mercy to those wicked transgressors. Interlude
6 At night they return like howling dogs; they prowl around the city.
7 Look what pours out of their mouths! They use their lips like swords, saying "Who will hear us?"
8 But you, LORD, will laugh at them; you will mock all the nations.
9 My Strength, I will watch for you, for God is my fortress.
10 My God of Gracious Love will meet me; God will enable me to see what happens to my enemies.
11 Don't kill them! Otherwise, my people may forget. By your power make them stumble around; bring them down low, Lord, our Shield.
12 The sin of their mouth is the word on their lips. They will be caught in their own conceit; for they speak curses and lies.
13 Go ahead and destroy them in anger! Wipe them out, and they will know to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob. Interlude
14 At night they return like howling dogs; they prowl around the city.
15 They scavenge for food. If they find nothing, they become hungry and growl.
16 But I will sing of your power and in the morning I will shout for joy about your gracious love. For you have been a fortress for me; and a refuge when I am distressed.
17 My Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, God of Gracious Love, are my fortress. To the Director: A special Davidic psalm to the tune of "Lily of The Covenant," for teaching about his battle with Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, when Joab returned and attacked 12,000 Edomites in the Salt Valley.