1 With my voice - unto God, will I make outcry, With my voice unto God, and he will give ear unto me;
2 In the day of my distress - unto My Lord, will I seek, My hand, by night, hath been outstretched and never once became slack, My soul, hath refused to be consoled;
3 I remember God and I murmur, I muse, and my spirit swooneth. Selah.
4 Thou hast held, watching, mine eyes, I was driven to and fro, and could not speak;
5 I reasoned, Of the days of aforetime, Of the years of by-gone ages;
6 I remember my song in the night, - With my own heart, I commune, And my spirit, maketh search: -
7 For ages, will My Lord reject? And, not again, grant acceptance any more?
8 Hath his lovingkindness, come to a perpetual end? Hath his word failed to generation after generation?
9 Hath GOD, forgotten to show favour? Or hath he shut up, in anger, his compassions? Selah.
10 Then said I - An affliction to me, it is, The changing of the right hand of the Most High.
11 I will remember the doings of Yah, Surely I will remember, out of aforetime, thy wonderful way;
12 And will talk to myself of all thy work, And, of thy doings, will I muse: -
13 O God, in the sanctuary, is thy way, - Who is a great GOD like Elohim?
14 Thou, art GOD, doing wonderfully, - Thou hast made known, among the peoples, thy might;
15 Thou didst redeem, with thine arm - Thy people, Thy sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
16 The waters saw thee, O God, The waters saw thee, They were in birth-throes, Yea the resounding deeps were stirred;
17 The clouds, poured down waters, The skies uttered, a voice, Yea, thine arrows, flew hither and thither;
18 The, voice of thy thunder, was in the whirlwind, Thy lightnings illumined the world, The earth, trembled and quaked;
19 In the sea, was thy way, And, thy path, in the mighty waters, And, thy footprints, could not be known:
20 Thou didst lead, like a flock, thy people, By the hand of Moses and Aaron.