1 Peter 2:11-17 - A Call To Good Works
11 Dear friends, I beg you, as aliens and exiles here, not to indulge the physical cravings that are at war with the soul. 12 Live upright lives among the heathen, so that even if they charge you with being evil-doers, they may from observing the uprightness of your conduct come to praise God on the Day of Judgment.
13 Submit to all human authority, for the Master's sake; to the emperor, as supreme, 14 and to governors, as sent by him to punish evil-doers, and to encourage those who do right. 15 For it is the will of God that by doing right you should silence the ignorant charges of foolish people. 16 Live like free men, only do not make your freedom an excuse for doing wrong, but be slaves of God. 17 Treat everyone with respect. Love the brotherhood, be reverent to God, respect the emperor.