51 and he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and he was subject to them, and his mother was keeping all these sayings in her heart, 52 and Jesus was advancing in wisdom, and in stature, and in favour with God and men.
Luke 1:5-25 - The Prediction Of John The Baptist's Birth
Luke 1:57-66 - The Birth Of John The Baptist
Luke 1:67-80 - The Praise And Prophecy Of Zechariah
Luke 2:1-7 - The Birth Of Jesus Christ
Luke 2:8-21 - The Shepherds And The Angels
Luke 2:51-52 - In Favor With God And With People
Luke 3:1-20 - John The Baptist Begins His Ministry
Luke 3:21-22 - The Baptism Of Jesus
Luke 3:23-38 - The Genealogy Of Jesus Christ
Luke 4:1-13 - The Temptation Of Jesus
Luke 4:14-15 - Public Ministry In Galilee