Reference: Minstrel
(Mt 9:23), a flute-player. Such music was a usual accompaniment of funerals. In 2Ki 3:15 it denotes a player on a stringed instrument.
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Now bring me a musician."
When Jesus came to the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
A player upon the" harp" or kinor (1Sa 16:16; 18:10; 19:9). Elisha called for a minstrel to withdraw his mind from the outer world, so that his spirit might be in a state to receive the divine revelation (2Ki 3:15). Music was often so used to prepare the frame for spiritual influences (1Sa 10:5-11) and to soothe an evil spirit of excitement, as when David played to calm Saul. In Mt 9:23 the "minstrels" were flute players employed as professional mourners at a funeral (Ec 12:5; Jer 9:17-20; 2Ch 35:25).
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"After that you will come to Gibeath-elohim where the Philistine garrison is. As you arrive there at the town, you'll meet a band of prophets coming down from the high place with a harp, tambourine, flute, and lyre being played in front of them, and they'll be prophesying. The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, and you'll prophesy with them and be changed into a different person. read more. When these signs occur, do whatever you want to do, because the LORD is with you. You are to go down ahead of me to Gilgal, and then I'll come down to offer burnt offerings and to sacrifice peace offerings. You are to wait seven days until I come to you to let you know what you are to do." Now it happened as Saul turned his back to leave Samuel, that God gave him another heart, and all these signs occurred on that day. When they arrived there at Gibeah, a band of prophets was right there to meet them. The Spirit of God came upon Saul, and he prophesied along with them. When all those who had known Saul previously saw that he was there among the prophets prophesying, the people told one another, "What has happened to Kish's son? Is Saul also among the prophets?"
Let our lord order his servants who attend you to look for a man who is skilled in playing the lyre. And then when an evil spirit from God comes on you, he will play and you will be better."
The next day, while David was playing the lyre as he had before, the evil spirit from the LORD attacked Saul, and he began to rave inside the house with a spear in his hand.
The evil spirit from the LORD attacked Saul while he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand and David was playing the lyre.
Now bring me a musician."
At that time they will fear climbing heights and dangers along the road while the almond tree will blossom, and the grasshopper is weighed down. Desire will cease, because the person goes to his eternal home, and mourners will gather in the marketplace.
This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "Think about what I'm saying! Indeed, call out the professional mourners! Send for the best of them to come. Let them hurry and lament for us. Let tears run down from our eyes, and let our eyelids flow with water. read more. For a sound of mourning is heard from Zion: "How we're ruined! Our shame is very great, because we have left the land, because our houses are torn down.'" "Now, you women, hear the message from the LORD; listen to what he has to say! Teach your daughters how to mourn, let every woman teach her friend how to lament.
When Jesus came to the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
The word nagan signifies a player on a stringed instrument, a harpist, though used of players of any musical instrument. Elisha once when solicited to give advice asked for a minstrel to be brought, and 'when the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.' 2Ki 3:15. The minstrels mentioned in Mt 9:23 were pipers or flute-players hired to assist in mourning.
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Now bring me a musician."
When Jesus came to the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
The Hebrew word in
properly signifies a player upon a stringed instruments like the harp or kinnor [HARP], whatever its precise character may have been, on which David played before Saul,
See Harp
and which the harlots of the great cities used to carry with them as they walked, to attract notice.
The "minstrels" in
were the flute-players who were employed as professional mourners, to whom frequent allusion is made.
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Let our lord order his servants who attend you to look for a man who is skilled in playing the lyre. And then when an evil spirit from God comes on you, he will play and you will be better."
The next day, while David was playing the lyre as he had before, the evil spirit from the LORD attacked Saul, and he began to rave inside the house with a spear in his hand.
The evil spirit from the LORD attacked Saul while he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand and David was playing the lyre.
Now bring me a musician."
Jeremiah sang a lament for Josiah, and all the male and female singers recite that lamentation about Josiah to this day. In fact, they made singing it an ordinance in Israel, and they are recorded in the Lamentations.
At that time they will fear climbing heights and dangers along the road while the almond tree will blossom, and the grasshopper is weighed down. Desire will cease, because the person goes to his eternal home, and mourners will gather in the marketplace.
"Take a harp; walk around the city, you forgotten whore! Make sweet melody; sing many songs, and perhaps you'll be remembered."
This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "Think about what I'm saying! Indeed, call out the professional mourners! Send for the best of them to come. Let them hurry and lament for us. Let tears run down from our eyes, and let our eyelids flow with water. read more. For a sound of mourning is heard from Zion: "How we're ruined! Our shame is very great, because we have left the land, because our houses are torn down.'" "Now, you women, hear the message from the LORD; listen to what he has to say! Teach your daughters how to mourn, let every woman teach her friend how to lament.
When Jesus came to the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,