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Reference: Minstrel


(Mt 9:23), a flute-player. Such music was a usual accompaniment of funerals. In 2Ki 3:15 it denotes a player on a stringed instrument.

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A player upon the" harp" or kinor (1Sa 16:16; 18:10; 19:9). Elisha called for a minstrel to withdraw his mind from the outer world, so that his spirit might be in a state to receive the divine revelation (2Ki 3:15). Music was often so used to prepare the frame for spiritual influences (1Sa 10:5-11) and to soothe an evil spirit of excitement, as when David played to calm Saul. In Mt 9:23 the "minstrels" were flute players employed as professional mourners at a funeral (Ec 12:5; Jer 9:17-20; 2Ch 35:25).

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The word nagan signifies a player on a stringed instrument, a harpist, though used of players of any musical instrument. Elisha once when solicited to give advice asked for a minstrel to be brought, and 'when the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.' 2Ki 3:15. The minstrels mentioned in Mt 9:23 were pipers or flute-players hired to assist in mourning.

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The Hebrew word in

2Ki 3:15

properly signifies a player upon a stringed instruments like the harp or kinnor [HARP], whatever its precise character may have been, on which David played before Saul,

See Harp

1Sa 16:16; 18:10; 19:9

and which the harlots of the great cities used to carry with them as they walked, to attract notice.

Isa 23:16

The "minstrels" in

Mt 9:23

were the flute-players who were employed as professional mourners, to whom frequent allusion is made.

2Ch 35:25; Ec 12:5; Jer 9:17-20

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