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And Jehovah will say to Noah, Come thou, and all thy house into the ark, for thee I saw just to my face in this generation.
And they will say, Seeing we saw that Jehovah was with thee: and we will say, There shall be an oath between us, between us and between thee, and we will make a covenant with thee.
And it shall be when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, and Jacob will come near, and will roll away the stone from the mouth of the well, and will water the sheep of Laban his mother's brother.
And Leah will conceive and will bring forth a son, and she will call his name Reuben: for she said that Jehovah saw my affliction, for now my husband will love me.
And will say to them, I saw the face of your father that it is not towards me as yesterday the third day: and the God of my father was with me.
And he will say, Lift up now thine eyes and see all the he-goats ascending upon the sheep, banded, speckled and sprinkled with spots; for I saw all that Laban did to thee.
If the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaak was not with me, then now, empty thou hadst sent me away. My affliction and the labor of my hand God saw and he rebuked yesterday.
And Jacob will call the name of the place, the face of God: for I saw God lace to face, and my soul shall be saved.
And Jacob will say, Nay, now, if now I found grace in thine eyes, and take my gift from my hand, for, for this, I saw thy face as seeing the face of God, and thou wilt be satisfied with me.
And she will remove the garments of her widowhood from her, and she will be covered with a veil, and will veil herself and will sit in the entrance of the eyes, which is upon the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was great, and she was not given to him for a wife.
And it will be when she saw that he let go his garment in her hand and will flee without,
The chief of the house of the fortress saw not all the things in his hand, because Jehovah was with him: and what he did Jehovah prospering.
And behold, seven other heifers coming up after them, poor and evil exceedingly, in form, and thin in flesh I saw not like them in all the land of Egypt for evil.
And they will say, a man to his brother, Truly we guilty concerning our brother, when we saw the straits of his soul in his entreating us, and we heard him not; for this, these straits are come to us.
And the one went forth from me and it was said, Surely he was torn in pieces, he was torn in pieces; and I saw him not till now.
And Israel will say to Joseph, Now will I die, after I saw thy face, because thou art yet living.
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- Prophets, Role Of
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- Four Beasts Of Daniel
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- Ten Things
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- White
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- Signs Of Repentance
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- Seven Body Parts
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- Jesus Birth
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- The Holy Spirit Described As The Dove
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- Demons, Delivered From
- Attitudes Of Faith
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- God Has Forgiven
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- Crowds
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- Crowds Amazed
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- Instructions About Following
- Taxes
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- Those Jesus Healed
- Faith And Healing
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- God's attitude towards people
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- Jesus Christ, Love Of
- Compassion, Of Christ
- Harassment
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- Jesus Healing
- Healing
- Satan, Agents Of
- Dumbness
- Dumb
- Those Demonised
- Miracles Of Christ
- Unbelief, And Life Of Faith
- Watching Christ
- The Disciples Reactions
- Fear Of Christ
- Ghosts
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- The Healed Walking
- Specific Praising Of God
- Fitness
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- Man Going Down
- Christ Concealing Things
- Christ Would Rise
- Touching For Healing
- Chief priests
- Opposition To Christ From Scribes
- Jesus Using Parables
- Shortage Other Than Food
- Examples Of Deceit
- Christ With People On Earth
- Unhappiness
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- The Cross
- Centurion
- Witnessing, Importance Of
- Armies, Roman
- Messianic Titles, Son Of God
- Jesus Death
- Living Witnesses
- Drawing Near To Christ
- Exorcisms
- Telling Of Jesus
- Laying On Hands To Heal
- Eyes Cared For
- Crowds Seeking
- Rebuke
- Discipleship
- Cripples
- Showing Hypocrisy
- Entering Tombs
- Jesus Tomb
- Seeing The Risen Christ
- Christ Appearing
- From The Beginning
- Gates
- Hearing Christ
- Why People Did Things
- God's Glory In Jesus Christ
- Christ's Own Glory
- Side Of People
- Spiritual Warfare, Causes Of
- Falling From Heaven
- Luck
- Marketing
- Assertiveness
- Signs Performed By Christ
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Beginning
- Jesus Corpse
- Gospel, Confirmation Of
- Types
- Eclipse
- Contemporary Witness To Christ
- Examples Of Faith
- Christ Glorified
- Those Who Believed In Christ
- Miracles
- Going Up To Heaven
- Evangelism, kinds of
- Short Time Till The End
- The Beloved Disciple
- Making Christ Known
- No Decay
- Other Miracles
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- The Apostles In Action
- Boldness
- Courage, Examples Of
- Witnessing, And Holy Spirit
- Martyrdom
- Gifts
- Damascus
- The Gospel Preached
- Conversion, examples of
- Four Corners
- Four Sides
- People Encouraging Others
- Evangelising
- Evangelism
- Evangelizing
- Subsequent Witness To Christ
- Witnesses, To Jesus Christ
- Preparation
- Heaven
- Short Time For Action
- Evangelists, identity of
- Sharing In Christ
- Angels
- The Temple In Heaven
- Exploits Of Faith
- Enduring
- Martyrdom Of The Saints
- Christ's Life
- Revelation
- Seven Spirits
- Great White Throne Judgment
- Seven
- Opening Documents
- Shout Of God
- Angels Doing God's Work
- Languages
- All Languages
- Seven Trumpets
- One Third
- The Universe Destroyed
- Abyss
- The Beast
- What Heaven Will Be Like
- False Religious System
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