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And concerning the virgins I have no ordinance of the Lord, but I give an opinion as one that has obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfOpinionsReceiving God's MercyGod's OrdersBeing Singlevirginity

He that gives in marriage therefore does well, and he that gives not in marriage does better.

Verse ConceptsGood ActivityNot MarryingMarriage Kjvmatrimonyvirginity

but God gives it a body as he pleases, and to each of the grains its own body.

Verse ConceptsPlanting SeedsSeedsVarieties

For we do not again commend ourselves to you, but give you occasion to glory on our account, that you may have something for those that glory in appearance and not in heart.

Verse ConceptsCommendationOutward AppearanceHypocrites, Description OfAppearancesCommending OneselfOther References To The HeartAppearances of

And in this case I give an opinion; for this is expedient for you, who began before to act in this matter and to act willingly a year ago.

Verse ConceptsGood Human AdviceOpinionsOne YearRight DesiresMan's Work FinishedCompetition

But we will not boast of things not measured, but according to the measure of the rule which God has given us, to come even to you.

Verse ConceptsPaul's BoastingBoastinglimitationsmeasurement

but on the contrary seeing that I was intrusted with the gospel of the uncircumcision, as Peter was of the circumcision,??8 for he that operated in Peter for the apostleship of the circumcision, operated also in me for the gentiles,??9 and knowing the grace given me, James and Cephas and John, who were manifest pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that we should go to the gentiles and they to the circumcision;

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofPreaching, Importance OfSelf ConfidenceStewardshipEntrustingThe Gospel To Jew And Gentile

Is the law then against the promises of God? By no means. For if a law had been given, able to give life, righteousness would really have been by the law;

Verse ConceptsLaw, Purpose OfSalvation Not By WorksGod OpposingFar Be It!God's Promise To AbrahamJustified By WorksLife Through Keeping The Law

What then was your blessedness? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have dug out your eyes and have given them to me.

Verse ConceptsPlucking OutPositive ThinkingAffections Should Not Grow Cold

if indeed you heard of the dispensation of the grace of God given to me for you,

Verse ConceptsGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodThe Grace Given To MenDispensationsGod's Grace

and for me, that a word may be given me at the opening of my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,

Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

of which I was made a minister according to the dispensation of God given me for you, to complete the word of God,

Verse ConceptsTitles And Names Of MinistersThe Word Of GodResponsibilityServing GodMinistryServing The Churchservanthood

If any faithful man or faithful woman has widows, let them give them relief, and let not the church be burdened, that it may be able to relieve those really widows.

Verse ConceptsBelieversMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Remedies ForLove Between RelativesRemoving BurdensPeople HelpingEach Local Church

I charge you before the God who gives life to all [creatures], and Christ Jesus who made the good profession before Pontius Pilate,

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofSolemn ChargesGod Giving LifeThe Witness Of ChristAll Life Is Dependent On GodWitnessingtestimonyconfessing

But at the same time also prepare me a lodging; for I hope that through your prayers I shall be given to you.

Verse ConceptsIntercessory PrayerPray For UsStaying TemporarilyPrivate RoomsGuest Rooms

and consider the long-suffering of the Lord our salvation; as also our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given to him wrote to you,

Verse ConceptsGod, Patience OfHealthLongsuffering Of GodFinal SalvationGod Gives WisdomInspirationBeing Patientlegacy

Let him that has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that conquers will I give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white token, and on the token a new name engraved, which no one knows but he that receives it.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FoodMannaNewnessUniquenessWhiteOvercomersDelicaciesUnknown ThingsHidden ThingsGod Renaming PeopleWriting On ObjectsOvercoming Through ChristTaught By The SpiritA New NameBenefits Of HeavenSpiritual crownsOvercomingChange And Growth

And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer.

Verse ConceptsColors, WhiteBow And Arrows, Symbol Of StrengthConqueringPromised VictoryCrowns For God's PeopleFour Horsemen Of The Apocalypsecrowns

And there went out another fiery horse, and it was given to him that sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and there was given him a great sword.

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Causes OfSuffering, Nature OfRed AnimalsAngel Of DeathCivil WarKilling One AnotherGod's Swordatheism

And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and one sat on it, whose name was Death, and Hades followed him, and there was given him power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the beasts of the earth.

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Nature OfPlaguesGreenFamine KillingApproval To KillA Fourth PartRulers Of A FourthThe Fact Of DeathFamineFour Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

And I saw another angel ascend from the east, having the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to injure the earth and the sea,

Verse ConceptsSealsHoly Spirit, Types OfFour AngelsOut Of The EastShout Of GodAngels Doing God's WorkCreatures Going UpOther Creatures Going UpPeople Possibly Doing EvilMark Of The Beastempowerment

And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and there were given them seven trumpets.

Verse ConceptsStandingHeaven And AngelsSevenSeven SpiritsSeven ThingsSeven TrumpetsAngels Doing God's Work

And another angel came and stood by the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given him much incense to present with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne.

Verse ConceptsThroneTypes Of ChristAltars, In HeavenAltar Of IncenseCensersAngels Doing God's Work

And the fifth angel sounded; and I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth, and there was given him the key of the pit of the abyss.

Verse ConceptsAbyssKeysFractions, One FifthFalling From HeavenSeven TrumpetsFifthAffecting Sun Moon And StarsLucifer

And from the smoke went out locusts on the earth, and power was given them like the power which scorpions of the earth have.

Verse ConceptsLocustsSymbolsAltar Of IncenseScorpionsbugs

And it was given them not to kill them, but to sting them five months; and their sting was like the sting of a scorpion, when he strikes a man.

Verse ConceptsAgony, Of BodyPoisonTortureFive Months And MoreScorpionsSnakebitesTroubling Groups Of Peoplebugs

And I went to the angel, and said to him, Give me the little book. And he said to me, Take and eat it, and it will embitter your stomach, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.

Verse ConceptsEating, Metaphorical UseBitter FoodSweetnessBitterness

And a rod was given me like a staff, and he said, Arise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those that worship in it.

Verse ConceptsMeasuring RodReedsWeights And Measures, LinearWorship, Times ForAltars, In HeavenRodsPlans For A New TempleWorshipping Godmeasurement

And leave out the exterior court of the temple and measure it not, for it has been given to the gentiles, and they shall tread the holy city under foot forty-two months [three years and a half].

Verse ConceptsThree And A Half YearsForeigners In The Holy PlacesTrampling Placesprepping

And I will give charge to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy twelve hundred and sixty days [three years and a half] clothed with sackcloth.

Verse ConceptsThe Final Days Of TimeCelebrationsTwo WitnessesThree And A Half YearsWitness To The GospelTwo WitnessesThe Two WitnessesEnd Of Daysempowerment

and the nations were angry, and thy wrath came, and the time of the dead to be judged and to give the reward to thy servants the prophets and to the saints and those that fear thy name, small and great, and to destroy those that destroy the earth.

Verse ConceptsFutureLast JudgmentMinistry, Nature OfReverence, And God's NatureSmallnessFear Of God, Results OfEcologyEternal JudgmentThe Day Of JudgementDestruction Of Satan's WorksThe DestroyerThe Final JudgementGreat And SmallGod Angry With The NationsSlaves Of GodAmericaAngry With GodThe Environment

and being with child she cried out in pain and distress to give it birth.

Verse ConceptsChild BearingPregnancyLabour PainsIndividuals Shouting

And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly to the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished a time and times and half a time [three years and a half], from before the serpent.

Verse ConceptsWingsThree And A Half YearsWings Of BirdsEaglesTwo Of Body PartsThose FlyingBeing A Woman Of GodRainbowTaking Care Of The Earthflying

And there was given him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemy, and power was given him to continue forty-two months [three years and a half].

Verse ConceptsSatan, Limitations OfThree And A Half YearsBlasphemyProud PeopleExercise

And he deceives those that dwell on the earth by the miracles which it was given him to perform before the beast, telling those that dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast which had the wound with the sword and lived.

Verse ConceptsLiesFalse Miracles, Nature OfIdol WorshipThe False Prophetimage

And it was given him to give a spirit to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Verse ConceptsArmageddonMartyrdom, Reasons ForSpirit, Nature OfPowers Of SpeechNot Worshipping IdolsThe False ProphetImage Of The BeastSelf Imagetechnologybreathingempowermentbreathstatuesimage