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Now the mediator or go-between [in a transaction] is not [needed] for just one party; whereas God is only one [and was the only One giving the promise to Abraham, but the Law was a contract between two, God and Israel; its validity depended on both].

Verse ConceptsGod, Unity OfUnity, God's Goal OfGod Is One

the law, then, is against the promises of God? -- let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness,

Verse ConceptsLaw, Purpose OfSalvation Not By WorksGod OpposingFar Be It!God's Promise To AbrahamJustified By WorksLife Through Keeping The Law

But the Scripture has imprisoned everyone [everything—the entire world] under sin, so that [the inheritance, the blessing of salvation] which was promised through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe [in Him and acknowledge Him as God’s precious Son].

Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of Salvationethics, and graceImperfection, Influence OfSin, Universality OfSinnersSociety, Negative Aspects OfShutting SecurelyThe Biblical CanonBenefits Of Faith In ChristGod's Promise To AbrahamUse Of The ScripturesAll Have SinnedGod Being In Control

But before faith came, we were guarded under law, shut up to faith which was about to be revealed.

Verse ConceptsKeysUnder The Law

But since that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian,

Verse ConceptsSchool

Become ye as, I, because, I also, was as, ye, - brethren, I entreat you. Not at all, have ye wronged me.

Verse ConceptsBecoming Like PeopleWronging Other PeopleAnxiety And Stress

On the contrary, you know that it was because of a physical illness that I [remained and] preached the gospel to you the first time;

Verse ConceptsdiseasesInfirmitiesThe Gospel PreachedSicknessWeaknessIllness

What then was your blessedness? for I bear you witness that, if possible, plucking out your own eyes ye would have given them to me.

Verse ConceptsPlucking OutPositive ThinkingAffections Should Not Grow Cold

and I was wishing to be present with you now, and to change my voice, because I am in doubt about you.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingPuzzlementIn Men's PresenceBeing Different

For it is written in the law about Abraham's two sons [Gen. 16]; one [was] by his slave woman [Hagar] and the other by the free woman, [his wife, Sarah].

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Testing And VictoryAbraham, New Testament ReferencesTwo Sons

Now these facts are about to be used [by me] as an allegory [that is, I will illustrate by using them]: for these women can represent two covenants: one [covenant originated] from Mount Sinai [where the Law was given] that bears children [destined] for slavery; she is Hagar.

Verse ConceptsFigures Of SpeechTwoOld Testament ParablesMaking SlavesTwo WomenCovenant Made At SinaiSchool

For it is written - Be gladdened, O barren one! that wast not giving birth, break forth and shout, thou that wast not in birth-pains, - because, more, are the children of the deserted one, than of her that had the husband.

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenBarrennessSinglenessBarren, LandLabour PainsPerspective

[Your] being persuaded [to do this] was not motivated by God, who called you [into His fellowship].

Verse ConceptsBeing TemptedConsider Your Call To SalvationFreedomPersistence

[This letter is from] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, according to God's will, [and is being sent] to the saints [i.e., God's holy people] at Ephesus [Note: This was a major city in the western province of Asia Minor, and now a part of Turkey. The words "at Ephesus" are omitted in some manuscripts, suggesting it was a circular letter], and the faithful ones in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus [everywhere else ?].

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodApostles, Basis Of AuthorityLettersSaintsUnion With Christ, Significance OfAll Believers Are SaintsWhat God's Will IsPrivileges of saintsGod's Will

The end [i.e., of being so predetermined] was that we [Jewish Christians], who had previously placed our hope in Christ, should bring about the praise of God's splendor.

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation OfBeing FirstHope, As ConfidenceReinstatementGod's Glory In The ChurchShowing Forth His PraiseThe Hope Of The GospelTrusting God's Plan

The same mighty power was exerted upon the Christ, when he raised the Christ from the dead and 'caused him to sit at his right hand' on high, exalting him above all Angels and Archangels of every rank,

Verse ConceptsSittingChurch AgeExaltation Of ChristRight SidesGod Raising ChristChrist And HeavenAll Authority Has Been Given To JesusThe power of Christ

This was so that, to future ages [of people on earth and in heaven], God could demonstrate the tremendous abundance of His unearned favor, expressed by His kindness to us in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus.

Verse ConceptsMidlife CrisisAge To ComeGenerosity, God'sGod's attitude towards peopleHistoryKindnessRiches, SpiritualUnkindnessGrace, Description OfLoving Kindness Of GodRiches Of GraceThe Future AgeThe Grace Of GodMercy And Grace

It was not the result of your own [good] deeds [See Titus 3:5], so that no one could boast [about it].

Verse ConceptsSelf Righteousness, And The GospelBoasting ExcludedGraceBeing SavedBoastingrebirthimpossible

by setting aside the Law with its commandments, expressed, as they were, in definite decrees. His design was to unite the two sections of humanity in Himself so as to form one new man,

Verse ConceptsNew ThingsLaws, AbolishedLaw, And GospelRitual LawRitualSalvation, Nature OfLaw, TemporaryAbolish, Evil ThingsAnnulmentTwo GroupsNew LifeChurch Distinct From IsraelMaking Peace With God

[This was also intended] to reestablish harmony between both of these peoples and God in [this] one body, through [Christ's death on] the cross. By doing this He put to death the hostility [between them].

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of Jesus ChristOne ChurchReconciliation, Between God And ManPeace Made Through ChristSignificance Of Christ's CrucifixionReconciliation with GodMaking Peace With GodReconciliationreuniting

For this reason I Paul, I whom Jesus has made a prisoner for the sake of you Gentiles ??2 for surely you have heard how the grace of God which was vouchsafed me in your interests has ordered it,

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtPrisonersLoving ForeignersvocationChristians Are Called Prisoners Of Christ

by reading which you can understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ,??5 which in other generations was not made known to the children of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit,

Verse ConceptsReadingLiteracyMysteryUnderstandingThe Mystery Of ChristProper UnderstandingReading The Biblesecrets

This was done so that now God's many-sided wisdom could be made known through the church, to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms [Note: "Heavenly realms" here refers to the world around us, where these angelic beings (good or bad) view the unfolding of God's wonderful plan],

Verse ConceptsChurchDemons, Christ's AuthorityGod, Wisdom OfWisdom, Source Of HumanPrincipalities And PowersThe Church UniversalRanks Of AngelsRebellion of Satan and AngelsorganizationprincipalitiesVarieties

Such was the eternal purpose which He had formed in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Verse ConceptsDivine PurposesBoldness, Comes FromPurpose

For this was not the teaching of Christ which was given to you;

So that it became clear through all the Praetorium, and to all the rest, that I was a prisoner on account of Christ;

Verse ConceptsGuards

being engag'd in the same conflict, in which you saw I was formerly, and hear that I am at present engag'd.

Verse ConceptsSharing In ChriststruggleLife StrugglesConflictStrugglesThe Past

who, although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes—the entire nature of deity], did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped or asserted [as if He did not already possess it, or was afraid of losing it];

Verse ConceptsequalityHeadshipImage Of GodLikenessEquality With GodRevelation, In NtGod's Glory In Jesus ChristGraspingDivineDivinityGodheadSelf WorthSelf EsteemBeing YourselfBeing DifferentSelf ImageBeing Uniqueautonomy

[This was] so that, in [honor of] the name of Jesus, everyone's knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth [i.e., all rational creatures] should bow [i.e., before God],

Verse ConceptsFeetAttitudes, in prayerBowingSatan, Resistance ToJesus Christ, Worship OfBowing Before MessiahAll Authority Has Been Given To Jesusconfessing

But his quality is clear to you; how, as a child is to its father, so he was a help to me in the work of the good news.

Verse ConceptsOptimismChildren In The FaithSelf WorthSpreading The GospelWorthHard Work And Perseverancepartnership

Still I think it necessary to send Epaphroditus to you now, for he is my brother, fellow-worker, and fellow-soldier, and he was also your messenger to help me in my need.

Verse ConceptsGood FriendsFellowship, In Christian ServiceAliancesFellow WorkersMessengerMissionaries, Support ForSoldiersVisitingFriendship, Examples Ofministering

circumcised when I was eight days old, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews [an exemplary Hebrew]; as to the [observance of the] Law, a Pharisee;

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalDay 8ScholarsLess Than A Year OldTaking The Law To HeartJewszealots

as to my zeal [for Jewish tradition], a persecutor of the church; and as to righteousness [supposed right living] which [my fellow Jews believe] is in the Law, I proved myself blameless.

Verse ConceptseagernessRestored In Jesus ChristPerfection, HumanZealFulfilling The LawPlea Of InnocenceThe Church UniversalPersecutionzealots

But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ.

Verse ConceptsProfitsSelf DenialConsecration, Examples OfLosing Someone

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord, that now at last you have renewed your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned about me before, but you had no opportunity to show it.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingCareLove, For One AnotherRight Time For PeopleOpportunityBeing ContentRenewalrevival

Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances.

Verse ConceptsLearningResentment, Against PeopleSuffering, Encouragements InContentmentComplaintsShortagesCircumstancesAbasementRespectBeing Content

As you Philippians also know, during the early days of [my] preaching the Gospel [in those regions], when I left Macedonia [Note: This was the northernmost province of Greece], no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving [i.e., financial help], except you only.

Verse ConceptsBeginning Of SalvationGiving To The PoorGiving Money To The ChurchSharingpartnership

Even while I was in Thessalonica, you provided for my needs not once, but twice.

Verse ConceptsGenerosity, Human

I received all, and have plenty. I was even filled after that I have received of Epaphroditus, that which came from you, an odor that smelleth sweet, a sacrifice accepted and pleasant to God.

Verse ConceptsAcceptance, From GodAffluenceAcceptance, divineAcceptance, Of WorshipGod, The ProviderPerfumePleasing GodPriesthood, In NtSmellsWagesAromasFilling PeopleNervousness

As it was given to you by Epaphras, our well-loved helper, who is a true servant of Christ for us,

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfLoyaltyMinistry, Qualifications ForSlaves Of God

He is the likeness of the unseen God, born first before all the creation ??16 for it was by him that all things were created both in heaven and on earth, both the seen and the unseen, including Thrones, angelic Lords, celestial Powers and Rulers; all things have been created by him and for him;

Verse ConceptsGod, As SpiritFirstbornFellowship, In The GospelCommunicationImage Of GodIncarnationLikenessDivinity Of ChristMission, Of Jesus ChristPerfection, DivineRevelation, In NtSeeing GodUniquenessPreexistence Of ChristGod, InvisibleChrist, Names ForBirthrightsGod's Glory In Jesus ChristChrist The FirstbornGodheadIdentityIdentity In Christimage

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