6 Bible Verses about Abominations, Ceremonial Matters

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 66:17

"Those who consecrate and purify themselves to enter the groves, following the one at the center of those who eat the meat of pigs, disgusting things, and rats, are all alike," says the LORD.

Leviticus 7:21

Any person who touches a ceremonially unclean thing whether the uncleanness pertains to human beings, animals, or to creeping things and then eats from the meat of peace offerings that belongs to the LORD is to be eliminated from contact with his people."

Leviticus 11:13-20

"These are detestable things for you among winged creatures that you are not to eat, because they are detestable for you: the eagle, vulture, osprey, red kite, falcons of any kind, every kind of raven, read more.
ostrich, nighthawk, seagull, hawks of every kind, owls, cormorants, the ibis, water-hens, pelicans, carrion, storks, herons of every kind, the hoopoe, bata, and any winged insect that crawls on four legs is detestable for you.

Leviticus 11:41-42

"Every swarming thing that swarms the land is detestable for you. It is not to be eaten. You are not to eat anything that crawls on its belly, anything that walks on four legs, anything that has many legs, or any of the swarming creatures that swarm the land, because they're detestable.

Isaiah 65:2-5

I held out my hands all day long to a disobedient people, who walk in a way that isn't good, following their own inclinations a people who continually provoke me to my face; they keep sacrificing in gardens and waving their hands over stone altars; who sit among graves, and spend the night in secret places; who eat pigs' meat, with the broth of detestable things in their pots;read more.
who say, "Keep to yourself!' "Don't touch me!' and "I am too holy for you!' "Such people are smoke in my nostrils, a fire that keeps burning all day long.

Revelation 18:2

He cried out in a powerful voice, "Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a prison for every unclean spirit, a prison for every unclean bird, and a prison for every unclean and hated beast.

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