9 Bible Verses about Advice, Bad Human Advice
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And Moses said unto them, - Have ye saved alive every female? Lo! they, became unto the sons of Israel, by the advice of Balaam, the cause of daring acts of treachery against Yahweh, over the affair of Peor, - and then came the plague against the assembly of Yahweh!
And, unto David, it was told, saying, Ahithophel, is among the conspirators with Absolom. And David said, Turn to foolishness, I pray thee, the counsel of Ahithophel, O Yahweh. And it came to pass, when David reached the summit, where he bowed himself down unto God, that lo! there met him, Hushai the Archite, his tunic rent, and earth upon his head. And David said unto him, - If thou pass over with me, then shalt thou become unto me, a burden;read more.
but, if, to the city, thou return, then canst thou say unto Absolom - Thy servant, I, O king, will be, as, the servant of thy father, I was formerly, so will I, now, be thy servant: thus shalt thou frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.
Then said Absolom unto Ahithophel, - Give ye your counsel, what we shall do. And Ahithophel said unto Absolom, Go in unto thy father's concubines, whom he hath left to keep the house, - so shall all Israel hear that thou hast made thyself odious unto thy father, and the hands of all that are with thee, shall be strengthened. And they stretched out for Absolom a tent, upon the house-top, - and Absolom went in unto his father's concubines, in the sight of all Israel.read more.
Now, the counsel of Ahithophel which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God, - so, was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both to David, and also to Absolom.
Then said Ahithophel unto Absolom: I pray thee, let me choose for myself, twelve thousand men, and arise, and pursue David to-night; and let me come upon him, when, he, is weary, and weak-handed, so shall I strike him with terror, and all the people who are with him shall flee, - then will I smite the king alone: that I may bring back all the people unto thee, - when all return - save the man whom thou art seeking, all the people, will be at peace.read more.
And the saying was right in the eyes of Absolom, - and in the eyes of all the elders of Israel.
Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, - and said unto them - It is, too much for you, to go up to Jerusalem, Lo! thy gods, O Israel, that brought thee up out of the land of Egypt;
Surely, foolish, are the princes of Zoan, the wisest counsellors of Pharaoh, in counsel are brutish, - How can ye say unto Pharaoh, Son of the wise, am I Son of the kings of olden time?
A well-spring of life, is discretion to its owner, but, the correction of the foolish, is folly.
With no guidance, a people will fall, but, safety, lieth in the greatness of the counsellor.
The plans of the righteous, are just, but, the counsels of the lawless, are deceitful.
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