5 Bible Verses about Agony, Sickness
Most Relevant Verses
Jeremiah 15:18
Why is my pain unending and my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You are like a deceptive brook, whose waters cannot be depended on.
Job 30:16-17
"Now, my soul pours itself out; the time of my affliction has taken control of me. The night racks my bones; and the pain that gnaws on me will not rest.
Psalm 6:2-3
Be gracious to me, LORD, because I am fading away. Heal me, because my body is distressed. And my soul is deeply distressed. But you, LORD, how long do I wait?
Psalm 69:29
As for me, I am afflicted and hurting; may your deliverance, God, establish me on high.