11 Bible Verses about All Nations
Most Relevant Verses
The devil took Him again, [this time] to a very high mountain and showed Him all the world's kingdoms, along with their splendor,
Then he led Him up [i.e., to a high mountain. See Matt. 4:8] and showed Him all the world's kingdoms in a fleeting instant.
And he was given [the power] to wage war against the saints [i.e., God's holy people] and to conquer them; and he was given authority over every tribe, race, language group and nation.
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about its deeds, that they are evil.
So, the Pharisees were saying among themselves, "Look, you men are getting nowhere [in this situation]. See, the [whole] world has gone after him."
For that is the way this 'day' will arrive for everyone [else] living on the entire earth.
And people will die by the sword and be led captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled on by the [unconverted] Gentiles [i.e., by the Romans and later by others] until the times of [domination by] the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Now some devoted Jews from every nation of the world were visiting Jerusalem [for the Pentecost festival].
And not only is there a [real] danger that our trade will be discredited but also that the temple of our great goddess Artemis will be considered worthless and that even she [herself] will be dethroned from her magnificent place of being adored by all [in the province of] Asia and the world."
For all the nations have drunk [or, "have been forced to drink"] the wine of her passionate sexual immorality [See 14:8], and the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality with her and the [retail] merchants of the earth became rich from her excessive luxury."
and he will [again] go out to deceive the nations which are [located] throughout the whole world --- Gog and Magog. [Note: Based on Eze. 35-40, it appears that these names are used here figuratively for all the forces of wickedness which are enemies of God]. Satan will assemble them together for battle, and they will be as numberless as the sand on the seashore.
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Judgment » Shall be held upon » All nations
And people from all the nations will be assembled in front of Him and He will separate them from one another, like a shepherd separating his sheep from the goats.
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