12 Bible Verses about Anger Of Man, Unrighteous
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And to Cain and to his offering he looked not: and Cain will be very angry, and his countenance will fall.
Simon and Levi brethren; their swords instruments of violence. My soul shall not come into their consultation; in their assembly, my honor shall not be united, for in their anger they killed a man and in their will, houghed a bullock. Cursed their anger, for it was hard; and their wrath, for it was hardened: I will divide them in Jacob, and I will disperse them in Israel
And Joseph was brought down to Egypt: and Potiphar will buy him, Pharaoh's eunuch, chief of the cooks, an Egyptian man, from the hand of the Ishmaelites who brought him down there.
And Moses and Aaron will gather together the gathering before the rock, and he will say to them, Hear, now, ye rebellious: from this rock shall we bring forth to you water? And Moses will lift up his hand and will smite the rock with the rod twice, and many waters will come forth, and the assembly will drink and their cattle. And Jehovah will say to Moses, and to Aaron, Because ye believed not in me, to consecrate me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, for this, ye shall not bring in this gathering to the land which I gave to them.
And the ass will see the messenger of Jehovah and she will lie down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger will kindle, and he will strike the ass With a rod.
And Saul's anger will kindle against Jonathan, and he will say to him, Son of crooked rebelliousness, did I not know that thou choosest to the son of Jesse to thy shame and to the shame of thy mother's nakedness?
Also Vashti the queen made a drinking to the women of the house of the kingdom which was to king Ahasuerus.
And Haman will see that Mordecai bowed not, and not worshiping to him, and Haman will be filled with wrath.
There are men, Jews, that thou didst appoint over the business of the province of Babel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego; these men set not an account to thee, O king: they served not to thy gods; and to the image of gold that thou didst set up they prostrated themselves not
And it will be evil to Jonah, a great evil, and it will kindle to him. And he will pray to Jehovah and say, Ah, now, O Jehovah, was not this my word while I was upon my land? For this I anticipated to flee to Tarshish, for I knew that thou art merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and of much kindness, and lamenting for evil. And now, O Jehovah, take now my soul from me, for it is good for me to die rather than for me to live.read more.
And Jehovah will say, Didst thou well for thee to be angry? And Jonah will go out of the city, and sit from the east to the city, and he make to him there a tent, and he will sit under it in the shadow, even till he shall see what will be upon the city. And Jehovah God will appoint a gourd, and it will come up from above to Jonah to be a shadow over his head to deliver to him from his evil. And Jonah will rejoice over the gourd with great joy. And God will appoint a worm in the going up of the morning for the morrow, and it will strike the gourd, and it will dry up. And it will be as the sun rose, and God will appoint a sultry east wind; and the sun struck upon the head of Jonah, and he will faint, and he will ask his soul to die, and say, It is good for me to die rather than live. And God will say to Jonah, Was it well to kindle to thee for the gourd? And he will say, It was well to kindle to me, even to death. And Jehovah will say, Thou didst spare for the gourd, which thou didst not labor for it, and thou didst not cause it to grow; it was the youth of a night, and the son of a night perished. And shall I not spare for Nineveh the great city which there is in it more than one hundred and twenty thousand men which knew not between his right hand to his left, and many cattle?
And the chief priest having risen, and all they with him, (the sect being of the Sadducees,) they were filled with zeal,
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