10 Bible Verses about Approachability

Most Relevant Verses

John 11:1-3

And there was a certain one ailing, Lazarus, from Bethany, of the village of Mary and Martha her sister -- and it was Mary who did anoint the Lord with ointment, and did wipe his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ailing -- therefore sent the sisters unto him, saying, 'Sir, lo, he whom thou dost love is ailing;'

Psalm 51:1-7

To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David, in the coming in unto him of Nathan the prophet, when he hath gone in unto Bath-Sheba. Favour me, O God, according to Thy kindness, According to the abundance of Thy mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash me from mine iniquity, And from my sin cleanse me, For my transgressions I do know, And my sin is before me continually.read more.
Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, And done the evil thing in Thine eyes, So that Thou art righteous in Thy words, Thou art pure in Thy judging. Lo, in iniquity I have been brought forth, And in sin doth my mother conceive me. Lo, truth Thou hast desired in the inward parts, And in the hidden part Wisdom Thou causest me to know. Thou cleansest me with hyssop and I am clean, Washest me, and than snow I am whiter.

Mark 10:46-52

And they come to Jericho, and as he is going forth from Jericho, with his disciples and a great multitude, a son of Timaeus -- Bartimaeus the blind -- was sitting beside the way begging, and having heard that it is Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, and to say, 'The Son of David -- Jesus! deal kindly with me;' and many were rebuking him, that he might keep silent, but the more abundantly he cried out, 'Son of David, deal kindly with me.'read more.
And Jesus having stood, he commanded him to be called, and they call the blind man, saying to him, 'Take courage, rise, he doth call thee;' and he, having cast away his garment, having risen, did come unto Jesus. And answering, Jesus saith to him, 'What wilt thou I may do to thee?' and the blind man said to him, 'Rabboni, that I may see again;' and Jesus said to him, 'Go, thy faith hath saved thee:' and immediately he saw again, and was following Jesus in the way.

Hebrews 9:18

whence not even the first apart from blood hath been initiated,

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