4 Bible Verses about Astronauts
Most Relevant Verses
As they continued on, talking as they went, suddenly chariots blazing with fire and pulled by fiery horses appeared, separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a wind storm to heaven!
Those who go down to the sea in ships, who work in the great waters, witnessed the works of the LORD his awesome deeds in the ocean's depth. He spoke and stirred up a windstorm that made its waves surge.read more.
The people ascended skyward and descended to the depths, their courage melting away in their peril.
"Even if they burrow into Sheol, from there my hand will find them. Even if they ascend to the heavens, from there I will bring them down.
Though you soar high like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, I will bring you down even from there," declares the Lord.