9 Bible Verses about Benefits Of Knowledge
Most Relevant Verses
Proverbs 24:5
A wise man has great power; and a knowledgeable man increases strength;
Proverbs 11:9
With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, but the righteous will be delivered through knowledge.
Proverbs 24:4
by knowledge the rooms are filled with all rare and beautiful treasure.
Proverbs 2:10
For wisdom will enter into your heart. Knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Micah 3:1
I said, "Please listen, you heads of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel: Isn't it for you to know justice?

1 Corinthians 1:5
that in everything you were enriched in him, in all speech and all knowledge;
1 Timothy 2:4
who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth.
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Benefits (27 instances)
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