7 Bible Verses about Beverages, Figurative
Most Relevant Verses
"I tell you solemnly," said Jesus, "that unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
(The slave's name was Malchus.) Then Jesus said to Peter. "Put up your sword in its sheath. the cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink it?"
"If you had known the free gift of God," Jesus answered, "and who it is that says to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water."
"And the Spirit and the Bride say 'Come!' And let him who hears, say 'Come!' And let him who thirsts, come; And whoever wills, let him take the Water of Life freely."
For land that has drunk the showers that now and again fall upon it, and produced vegetation useful for those for whom it was tilled, receives a blessing from God;
And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood gushed out of the winepress, even to the bridles of the horses, as far as two hundred miles.
And there issues from his lips a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. He shall shepherd them with a rod of iron. And he treads the winepress of the passion of the anger of Almighty God.