10 Bible Verses about Christ The Rock

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 21:42

Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures, The stone that the builders rejected is the chief stone now of the corner: this is the doing of the Lord, and a wonder to our eyes?

Mark 12:10

Have you not even read this scripture? ??The stone that the builders rejected is the chief stone now of the corner:

Luke 20:17

But he looked at them and said, "Then what does this scripture mean? ??The stone that the builders rejected is the chief stone now of the corner.

1 Peter 2:7

Now you believe, you hold him 'precious,' but as for the unbelieving ??the very stone the builders rejected is now the cornerstone,

Acts 4:11

He is the stone despised by you builders, which has become head of the corner.

1 Peter 2:8

a stone over which men stumble and a rock of offence; they stumble over it in their disobedience to God's word. Such is their appointed doom.

Matthew 21:44

[Everyone who falls on this stone will be shattered, and whoever it falls upon will be crushed.]"

1 Peter 2:6

For thus it stands in the scripture: Here I lay a Stone in Sion, a choice, a precious cornerstone: he who believes in him will never be disappointed.

1 Corinthians 10:4

and all drank the same supernatural drink (drinking from the supernatural Rock which accompanied them ??and that Rock was Christ),

1 Peter 2:4

come to him then ??come to that living Stone which men have rejected and God holds choice and precious,

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