6 Bible Verses about Christ's Authority Over Sin

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Matthew 9:6

But, that ye may know, that the Son of Man hath, authority, upon the earth, to be forgiving sins, then, saith he to the paralytic, - Rise! take up thy couch, and withdraw unto thy house.

Matthew 9:1-8

And, entering into a boat, he crossed over, and came into his own city. And lo! they were bringing unto him a paralytic, on a couch, laid prostrate; and Jesus, seeing, their faith, said to the paralytic, - Take courage! child, forgiven are thy sins. And lo! certain of the scribes, said within themselves, - This man, speaketh profanely!read more.
And Jesus, knowing, their inward thoughts, said, - To what end are ye cherishing evil thoughts within your hearts? For which is easier - To say, Forgiven are thy sins, - or to say, Rise and be walking! But, that ye may know, that the Son of Man hath, authority, upon the earth, to be forgiving sins, then, saith he to the paralytic, - Rise! take up thy couch, and withdraw unto thy house. And, rising, he departed unto his house. Now the multitudes, seeing, were struck with fear, and glorified the God who had given authority, such as this, unto men.

Mark 2:3-12

and they come, bearing unto him a paralytic, upborne by four, - and, not being able to get near him by reason of the multitude, they uncovered the roof where he was, and, having broken it up, they began letting down the couch whereon the paralytic was lying; and, Jesus, seeing their faith, saith unto the paralytic - Child! forgiven are thy sins!read more.
Now there were certain of the Scribes there, sitting and deliberating in their hearts, - Why doth, this, man thus talk? he is speaking profanely! Who can forgive sins, save one, God? And Jesus, straightway, taking note in his spirit, that thusthey are deliberating within themselves, saith unto them- Why, these things, are ye deliberating in your hearts? Which is easier - to say unto the paralytic, Forgiven are thy sins, or to say, Rise, and take up thy couch, and be walking? But, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority to be forgiving sins upon the earth, he saith to the paralytic: To thee, I say, Rise, take up thy couch, and be going thy way unto thy house. And he arose, and, straightway taking up the couch, went forth before all, - so that all were beside themselves and were glorifying God, saying- Thus, we never saw it!

Luke 5:18-26

And lo! men bearing, upon a couch, one who was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in, and lay him before him. And, not finding by what means they might bring him in, because of the multitude, going up on the house-top, through the tiling, let they him down, with the little-couch, into the midst before Jesus. And, beholding their faith, he said - O man! thy sins are forgiven thee.read more.
And the Scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying - Who is this that speaketh profanities? Who can forgive, sins, save, God alone? And Jesus, taking note of their reasonings, answering, said unto them - Why are ye reasoning in your hearts? Which is easier, To say - Thy sins are forgiven thee; or to say - Arise and be walking? But, that ye may know that, the Son of Man, hath, authority, upon the earth to forgive sins - he said to the paralyzed man - To thee, I say, Arise, and, taking up thy couch, be going thy way unto thy house. And, instantly arising before them, he took up that whereon he had been lying, and departed unto his house, glorifying God. And, astonishment, seized one and all, and they began glorifying God, and were filled with fear, saying - We have seen unaccountable things, to-day!

Luke 7:37-38

And, 1o! a woman, who indeed was in the city a sinner; and, when she found out that he was reclining in the house of the Pharisee, providing an alabaster-jar of perfume, and standing behind, near his feet, weeping, with the tears, began she to be wetting his feet, and, with the hair of her head, was wiping off the tears , and was tenderly kissing his feet, and anointing them with the perfume.

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