6 Bible Verses about Creation Causing Worship
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Worthy, art thou, O Lord, and our God, to receive the glory, and the honour, and the power: because thou didst create all things, and, by reason of thy will, they were, and were created.
Thou, art Yahweh, thou alone, Thou, didst make the heavens, the heavens of heavens, and all their host, the earth and all that is thereon, the seas and all that is therein, and, thou, holdest them all in life, - and, the host of the heavens, unto thee, are bowing down.
The heavens, are telling the glory of GOD, And, the work of his hands, the expanse is declaring; Day, unto day, doth pour forth speech, and, night, unto night, doth breathe out knowledge. There is no speech, and there are no words, - Unheard is their voice!read more.
Yet through all the earth, hath gone forth their voice, - and, to the end of the world, their sayings, - For the sun, hath he set up a tent therein;
Enter! let us bow down, and bend low, Let us kneel, before Yahweh our maker;
Let them praise the Name of Yahweh, for, he, commanded, and they were created; So caused he them to stand perpetually - age-abidingly, A decree, hath he given, and it passeth not beyond. Praise Yahweh, out of the earth, sea monsters, and all resounding deeps;read more.
Fire and hail, snow and vapour, stormy wind, fulfilling his word; Ye mountains, and all hills, fruit trees, and all cedars; Thou wild-beast, and all ye cattle, crawling creature, and bird of wing; Kings of earth, and all peoples, Rulers, and all judges of earth; Young men, yea even virgins, elders, and children. Let them praise the Name of Yahweh, for lofty is his Name alone, His splendour is over earth and heavens.
For, the unseen things of him, from a world's creation, by the things made, being perceived, are clearly seen, even his eternal power and divinity, - to the end they should be without excuse;
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