7 Bible Verses about Creation Of The Earth
Most Relevant Verses
And God called the dry land "the earth" and the gathering together of waters called he "the sea." And God saw that it was good.
And God said, "Let the waters that are under heaven gather themselves unto one place, that the dry land may appear." And it came so to pass.
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
And he answered them, "I am a Hebrew: and the LORD God of heaven which made both sea and dry land, I fear."
God, that made the world, and all that are in it, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, he dwelleth not in temples made with hands,
And there he built his temple on high, and laid the foundation of it like the ground, that it might perpetually endure.
This they know not - and that willingly: how that the heavens a great while ago were, and the earth that was in the water appeared up out of the water by the word of God:
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