2 Bible Verses about Cynicism
Most Relevant Verses
If after the manner of men I have fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what good does it do me? If the dead do not rise, Let us eat and drink, For we shall be dead tomorrow.
So they watched him, and sent spies who pretended to be honest men, in order to seize on his speech, and to deliver him up to authority and jurisdiction of the governor. So they put a question to him saying. "Rabbi, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not regard any man's person, but teach the way of God honestly. "Is it lawful for us to pay tribute to Caesar or not?"read more.
But he perceived their knavery and answered. "Show me a shilling. Whose image and superscription does it bear?" "Caesar's," they replied. "Then give to Caesar what belongs to him," he said, "to God give what is God's." So they could not lay hold of his sayings before the people; and marveling at his answer, they held their peace.
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