5 Bible Verses about Deathbeds
Most Relevant Verses
By [having] faith, Jacob blessed each of Joseph's sons just before he died, and bowed in worship [to God] while leaning on the top of his staff.
They [also] crucified two thieves with Him, one at His right side and one at His left.
And they also crucified two thieves with Him, one at His right side and one at His left. {{Some ancient manuscripts add verse
And two other men, who were criminals, were also led out with Jesus to be put to death. And when they came to the place called "The Skull" [Note: The Latin word for this place is "Calvary"], they crucified Him there, along with the criminals, one at His right side and one at His left.
Then one of the criminals, who was hanging [on a cross also] spoke abusively to Him, saying, "Are you not the Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one]? [If you are], then save yourself and us." But the other criminal spoke harshly to the first one, saying, "Do you not even have any fear of God [left], since you [too] are experiencing the same sentence of condemnation? And for us it is truly a just sentence, for we are getting back what we deserve for our actions, but this man has not done anything wrong."read more.
Then he said, "Jesus, remember [to be merciful to] me when you come into your kingdom." Then Jesus said to him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise [Note: This is a place in God's presence, referred to as "the third heaven" (II Cor. 12:2-4), and where overcomers will be able to eat from "the tree of life" (Rev. 2:7)]."