11 Bible Verses about Dimensions Of Buildings
Most Relevant Verses
The house which Solomon made for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.
In the first year of Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king made an order: In connection with the house of God at Jerusalem, let the house be put up, the place where they make offerings, and let the earth for the bases be put in place; let it be sixty cubits high and sixty cubits wide;
And there was a doorway to the outer square, looking to the north; and he took the measure of it to see how wide and how long it was.
And the building which was in front of the separate place at the side to the west was seventy cubits wide; the wall of the building was five cubits thick all round and ninety cubits long.
And he took the measure of the house; it was a hundred cubits long; and the separate place and the building with its walls was a hundred cubits long;
And he took the measure of the building in front of the separate place which was at the back of it, and the pillared walks on one side and on the other side; they were a hundred cubits long; and the Temple and the inner part and its outer covered way were covered in;
And he made the house of the Woods of Lebanon, which was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high, resting on four lines of cedar-wood pillars with cedar-wood supports on the pillars.
And he made a covered room of pillars, fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, and ... with steps before it.
And Solomon put the base of the house of God in position; by the older measure it was sixty cubits long and twenty cubits wide. And the covered way in front of the house was twenty cubits long, as wide as the house, and a hundred and twenty cubits high, all plated inside with the best gold.