17 Bible Verses about Disclosures

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 12:2

There is nothing that is covered up which will not be uncovered, nor hidden which will not become known.

Luke 8:17

There is nothing hidden, which shall not be openly seen; nor anything secret, which shall not be known and come into the light of day.

Mark 4:22

Why, there is nothing hidden except with a view to its being ultimately disclosed, nor has anything been made a secret but that it may at last come to light.

Matthew 13:35

in fulfilment of the saying of the Prophet, "I will open my mouth in figurative language, I will utter things kept hidden since the creation of all things."

Matthew 10:26

Fear them not, however; there is nothing veiled which will not be uncovered, nor secret which will not become known.

Luke 12:3

Whatever therefore you have said in the dark, will be heard in the light; and what you have whispered within closed doors will be proclaimed from the house-tops.

Matthew 5:15

Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house.

Mark 4:21

He went on to say, "Is the lamp brought in in order to be put under the bushel or under the bed? Is it not rather in order that it may be placed on the lampstand?

Luke 11:33

"When any one lights a lamp, he never puts it in the cellar or under the bushel, but on the lampstand, that people who come in may see the light.

Luke 8:16

"When any one lights a lamp, he does not cover it with a vessel or hide it under a couch; he puts it on a lampstand, that people who enter the room may see the light.

Matthew 10:27

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what is whispered into your ear, proclaim upon the roofs of the houses.

Revelation 22:10

"Make no secret," he added, "of the meaning of the predictions contained in this book; for the time for their fulfillment is now close at hand.

Matthew 22:19

Show me the tribute coin." And they brought Him a shilling.

John 7:4

For no one acts in secret, desiring all the while to be himself known publicly. Since you are doing these things, show yourself openly to the world."

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