8 Bible Verses about Divination, Practiced By

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 47:13

Thou hast hitherto had many counsels of them; so let the heaven gazers and the beholders of stars come on now and deliver thee: yea, and let them show when these new things shall come upon thee.

Deuteronomy 18:14

For these nations which thou shalt conquer hearken unto makers of dismal days and bruterers. But the LORD thy God permitteth not that to thee.

Jeremiah 14:14

And the LORD said unto me, "The prophets preach lies unto them in my name. I have not spoken with them, neither gave I them any charge, neither did I send them. Yet they preach unto you false visions, charming vanity, and deceitfulness of their own heart.

Genesis 41:8

When the morning came, his spirit was troubled. And he sent and called for all the soothsayers of Egypt and all the wise men thereof, and told them his dream: but there was none of them that could interpret it unto Pharaoh.

Deuteronomy 18:11

or a charmer, or that speaketh with a spirit, or a soothsayer, or that asketh the advice of the dead.

Isaiah 2:6

But thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they go far beyond the east countries in Sorcerers - who they have as the Philistines had - and in calkers of men's births, whereof they have too many.

Acts 13:6

When they had gone throughout the Isle unto the city of Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer: a false prophet, which was a Jew,

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