5 Bible Verses about Do Not Be Stingy
Most Relevant Verses
If in any of your towns in the land which the Lord your God is giving you, there is a poor man, one of your countrymen, do not let your heart be hard or your hand shut to him;
And see that there is no evil thought in your heart, moving you to say to yourself, The seventh year, the year of forgiveness is near; and so looking coldly on your poor countryman you give him nothing; and he will make an outcry to the Lord against you, and it will be judged as sin in you.
Do not keep back good from those who have a right to it, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.
Do not take the food of him who has an evil eye, or have any desire for his delicate meat:
Have I not the right to do as seems good to me in my house? or is your eye evil, because I am good?