17 Bible Verses about Doing One's Work
Most Relevant Verses
“Do your work for six days but rest on the seventh day so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son of your female slave as well as the foreign resident may be refreshed.
Work may be done for six days, but on the seventh day there must be a Sabbath of complete rest, dedicated to the Lord. Anyone who does work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.
“You are to labor six days but you must rest on the seventh day; you must even rest during plowing and harvesting times.
For six days work is to be done, but on the seventh day you are to have a holy day, a Sabbath of complete rest to the Lord. Anyone who does work on it must be executed.
“Work may be done for six days, but on the seventh day there must be a Sabbath of complete rest, a sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; it is a Sabbath to the Lord wherever you live.
But the leader of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, responded by telling the crowd, “There are six days when work should be done; therefore come on those days and be healed and not on the Sabbath day.”
The warden put all the prisoners who were in the prison under Joseph’s authority, and he was responsible for everything that was done there.
Then he said to Gehazi, “Say to her, ‘Look, you’ve gone to all this trouble for us. What can we do for you? Can we speak on your behalf to the king or to the commander of the army?’”
She answered, “I am living among my own people.”
So he asked, “Then what should be done for her?”
Gehazi answered, “Well, she has no son, and her husband is old.”
So they said to him, “What should we do to you to calm this sea that’s against us?” For the sea was getting worse and worse.
Don’t work for the food that perishes but for the food that lasts for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal of approval on Him.”
to seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,
The king of Egypt said to them, “Moses and Aaron, why are you causing the people to neglect their work? Get to your work!”
I have summoned a drought
on the fields and the hills,
on the grain, new wine, olive oil,
and whatever the ground yields,
on man and beast,
and on all that your hands produce.”
Now we command and exhort such people by the Lord Jesus Christ that quietly working, they may eat their own food.
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