9 Bible Verses about Evil Generations
Most Relevant Verses
And he answering said to them, 'A generation, evil and adulterous, doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;
'A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;' and having left them he went away.
Not one of these men of this evil generation doth see the good land which I have sworn to give to your fathers,
It hath done corruptly to Him; Their blemish is not His sons', A generation perverse and crooked!
A generation -- pure in their own eyes, But from their own filth not washed.
And having seen many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming about his baptism, he said to them, 'Brood of vipers! who did shew you to flee from the coming wrath?
then doth it go, and take with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and having gone in they dwell there, and the last of that man doth become worse than the first; so shall it be also to this evil generation.'
And Jesus answering said, 'O generation, unstedfast and perverse, till when shall I be with you, and suffer you? bring near hither thy son;'
Also with many more other words he was testifying and exhorting, saying, 'Be saved from this perverse generation;'
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