5 Bible Verses about Exchanging Good For Bad
Most Relevant Verses
Romans 1:25
who exchanged the truth of God with a lie, and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed for eternity. Amen.
Psalm 106:20
And [so] they exchanged their glory for an image of an ox that eats grass.
Romans 1:23
and exchanged the glory of the immortal God with the likeness of an image of mortal human beings and birds and quadrupeds and reptiles.
Jeremiah 2:11
Has a nation exchanged gods? And they [are] not gods! But my people have exchanged their glory for that which does not profit.
Romans 1:26
Because of this, God gave them over to degrading passions, for their females exchanged the natural relations for those contrary to nature,
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