9 Bible Verses about Gambling
Most Relevant Verses
Wealth [gained] from haste will dwindle, but he who gathers {little by little} will increase it.
And [when they] had crucified him, they divided his clothes among themselves [by] casting lots.
And they crucified him and divided his clothes among themselves [by] casting lots for them [to see] who should take what.
[[But Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."]] And they cast lots to divide his clothes.
So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it apart, but cast lots for it, [to see] whose it will be," so that the scripture would be fulfilled that says, "They divided my garments among themselves, and for my clothing they cast lots." Thus the soldiers did these [things].
Even over [the] orphan you would cast the lot, and you would bargain over your friend.
But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and a trap and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge those people into ruin and destruction.
For the love of money is a root of all evil, by which some, [because they] desire [it], have gone astray from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.