7 Bible Verses about Giving, Advice On
Most Relevant Verses
Take heed your kindness not to do before men, to be seen by them, and if not -- reward ye have not from your Father who is in the heavens;
'When there is with thee any needy one of one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities, in thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, thou dost not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother;
sell your goods, and give alms, make to yourselves bags that become not old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens, where thief doth not come near, nor moth destroy;
to him who is asking of thee be giving, and him who is willing to borrow from thee thou mayest not turn away.
for if the willing mind is present, according to that which any one may have it is well-accepted, not according to that which he hath not;
Is it not to deal to the hungry thy bread, And the mourning poor bring home, That thou seest the naked and cover him, And from thine own flesh hide not thyself?
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